be wondering why you're turning slow laps and wondering how
others could get the times they do, here's my experience.
I first got the game and started trying the different cars immediately.
I quickly fell in love with the ferarri because it just sounded so neat.
I practiced with it quite a bit and couldn't get nearly the times others
were reporting. I figured changing cars might help a ***y bit but not
really. Then tonight I starting reading the book that comes with the game
and realized how homebuilt these cars were (relatively), and how different
they probably were.
I switched from the Ferarri to the Eagle. What a difference! It was like
the car was on rails. I could hold faster turns and the thing didn't want
spin so darn much. I broke my old best in 4 laps and within 20 more had
improved by 3 or 4 seconds!
Next I thought I'd try the Lotus. On the second lap I beat my record in the
Ferarri by a full second and within 10 more I beat my best time in the Eagle
by another second. unfortunately I can't consistently get good laps with
Lotus. It brakes very well but likes to spin and doesn't seem to hold as
in high speed turns.
Anyway I'm still not up there with the best of them but if you're like me,
cars may help a lot.