On Fri, 20 Dec 1996 13:19:36 -0500, Keith Meyer
>Has anyone tried NASCAR2 on a 486? Is the performance acceptable? I have
>a 486 DX4 100 an got pretty good (vga) performance with NASCAR1 and most
>details. I also get acceptable (for me) performance in GP2 with textures
>on fences, trackside objects, and low detail.
I haven't tried it on my DX2/66, but if you find GP2 (of all
things!) acceptable on your machine, NASCAR2 should cause no problems.
Seriously, on my P133/Reactor I find N2's SVGA (non-Rendition) frame
rate comparable to N1 (the graphics engine has been optimized, but the
extra speed is used to show more detail, so the frame rate is
similar). It seems that ever since the "bleeding edge" performance
requirements of N1, Papyrus sims (ICR2, N2) haven't been any *more*
demanding (and the typical machine today is a lot more powerful than
two years ago!).
Pick one or more: Model Rockets (competition-NERCB) / PCs (even Atari!) /
Papyrus ICR-ICR2-NCR / Who needs a life when you have multiple non-lives?