Bruton Smith) has filed to sue CART for the MILLIONS it lost when Cart
cancelled the CART race at texas.
Im happy to see that... As a fan that bought a ticket to finally see a
CART race and be screwed by CART leaders. I will never attent any cart
race nor watch a cart race on TV again. When you treat your race fans
like they did, you dont deserve to be in business. This is entertainment
and the show must go on... I did not want to see any driver get hurt or
wreck but they are obligated by contract to perform and also to ensure
the safety of their drivers. They did neither in this situation. They
shouldve done more testing beforehand and they didnt..They jeprodized
their drivers up front by even allowing them to practice and qualify
there without adequately testing their first......
So, in a few months, Bruton Smith will own CART and merge it wilth IRL
and then ill go watch the new improved CART/IRL racing at texas