Although I agree with the reasons for canceling the race, CART is at fault
for failure of preparation. Texas contacted CART well before the race to
discuss the safety issues, speed in particular, etc. CART assured Texas
that everything was "fine". Then.. two hours before the race.. they
Again... I FULLY think they made the right decision at the time, but this
should have been prevented in the first place. Before you agree to run at a
track that is well known to be fast and of a configuration that is uncommon
to Champ cars (High Banking in particular), there should have been a
thorough testing of the track.
Supposedly, Texas has tried to get reimbursed for its expenses (Which they
damn well deserve) and CART has not responded. (Please read the SUPPOSEDLY
I think this is different than just a 'rain out' as a rain out is an "Act of
God" where as this situation, as correct a decision as it was, was caused by
negligence and lack of preparedness on the part of CART.
That being said... the no race at Texas is still better than any IRL event
Scott B. Husted
> And that, you sniveling whippet, means I will miss races at Road
> Mid Ohio, Portland International RAceway, Laguna Seca, Toronto, Detroit,
> Vancouver.
> You may enjoy left turn only races...hey I do too..BUT I get as much or
> more thrill from the turns in the other direction as well.
> Suing before any attempt to recoup the losses is of course the American
> Way.
> dave(Yankee Doodle)henrie
> > News announced here in dallas today that Texas Motor SPeedway (aka
> > Bruton Smith) has filed to sue CART for the MILLIONS it lost when Cart
> > cancelled the CART race at texas.
> > Im happy to see that... As a fan that bought a ticket to finally see a