GPL has Vroc and SpyBoy ... how do you find online games for SCGT ?
GPL has Vroc and SpyBoy ... how do you find online games for SCGT ?
1 on 1, ZERO AI, both using modems: seems ok, until you get close to each
other, then it gets jerky
1 on 1, 2 AI, both using modems: forget it
1 on 1, ZERO AI, one using modem other using cable: mixed results, but worse
than if bot using modems. Could be due to the vast differences in data rates
between analog modem and cable modem?????
3 or more human players, ZERO AI: horrible
So sadly this is not able to multiplay over the Internet (ASDL on all
players might work???), but then they already mentioned that in their readme
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