I'll answer as best I can...
> four points:
> one, who exactly is/are, "Reliable sources." This is suspect because I
> don't know who these sources are, so I don't know if they are reliable.
They're reliable to me, and that's all that matters. I don't simply
place a placard with "Mr. News" on my shirt, and I don't write whatever
I please and hide behind the "Fair Use Act." If this info had come to
me via someone I hadn't already know for quite a long time, then I
would have dismissed it as "something overheard in the men's room."
Also, if I were to post the originator's name, then don't you think
Papy might be a little more than concerned? ;)
This is true for nearly everything in verbal communications, and I'm
sure this person didn't get an official Papy memo on the subject. None-
theless, I simply posted the "gist" of the report, saying that the
project has been canned, shelved, scrapped, etc. The rest of the post
from me was obvious conjecture, as I used "may have been due..." rather
than "this is the reason why, folks..." I was attempting to reason-out
why they made this decision, since I know them (Papyrus) to be
die_in_the_wool gearheads. I truly believe that if they had unlimited
resources and funding, that we would see many other forms of racing,
as well as strategy_game_add_ons like the ill-fated N2 Manager.
This is true. As one Papyrus employee told me, "it ain't over 'til it's
The plan was not to even begin work on it, that the CART thingy is dead
(in any current or future form) from the drawing boards of the Papy sim
machine. Company's generally don't change their minds overnight tho,
and tend to plan in either 6-month or 1-year down_the_road. This would
mean that a future CART title is unlikely after N3, but doesn't mean
that they can't do it after a following title, or perhaps simply re-
light the CART-flame for a X-mas/Spring '99 date.
Having the license doesn't mean that a title is eminent...What it means
is that they're getting smarter, and aren't about to let others steal_
their_lunch for future rights.
Yellow Journalism it isn't.
(please remove '_*_' when replying)
Sim Racing News - http://www.racesimcentral.net/
The Sim Project - http://www.racesimcentral.net/
* No animals were harmed in the making of this e-mail *