well with N3, which video card should I get? I play primarily only sports
games, and would actually like to play with N3 with all the goodies, not
just the AI.....
Once again, sorry about my being so naive when it comes to computers, but
any help would be greatly appreciated....
Steve B.
> Cheers,
> Steve B.
> > Well, since it has been pointed out to me that my Rage card won't work
> very
> > well with N3, which video card should I get? I play primarily only
> > games, and would actually like to play with N3 with all the goodies, not
> > just the AI.....
Lots has been said on the issue, you might wish to check out dejanews and do
a search on the group about video cards.
> Once again, sorry about my being so naive when it comes to computers, but
> any help would be greatly appreciated....
> Dave
> >Well, since it has been pointed out to me that my Rage card won't work
> >well with N3, which video card should I get? I play primarily only
> >games, and would actually like to play with N3 with all the goodies, not
> >just the AI.....
> >Dave