> (...)
> The way I have it figured if I didnt have the MS, I would have been 1st in
> line & bought it by now. What do you think so far? was it worth it? Did
> your MS work OK, since some have had trouble with XP and the wheels...
Well, I had convinced myself to keep my 6-years old MS wheel because
1. it was still as good as new;
2. it worked well with XP (caveat: the old MS sidewinder software 4.0
was installed pre-SP1/SP2, some have reported problems when installing
the drivers on "SPatched" XP's);
3. my confidence in Logitech hardware was low after experiencing one of
their FF joysticks for a few days;
4. there was little chance to get a reasonably priced G25 in my part of
the world anyway;
Then I unexpectedly collided with a G25 at a local WalMart equivalent,
priced at about 280$ and I impulsively bought it :)
While i still feel some guilt towards my trusted MSFF wheel, I am afraid
there is no going back. The Logitech wheel beats the MS wheel
features-wise and performance-wise, no question.
My lap times have improved within one day of adaptation. By adaptation,
I mean you have to get used to the gear change paddles requiring more
travel than the MS ones (I still occasionally miss a downshift in
rFactor+CDTP F1) and also the brake pedal appears to be quite stiff at
first (no need to put one half of a squash ball or a dead wombat behind
the pedal to get a realistic feel). I think most of the improvement in
my lap times initially came from the very precise throttle control. I
also had to switch from driving with socks to driving with slippers
(thin-soled shoes will do, too)
Quality-wise, it seems that the Logi wheel also has the edge, but only
time will tell w.r.t. reliability. Initial impression is very very good,
Setting the force feedback to fit my tastes was relatively easy, though
I had to create new players in various sims (rFactor, GTL, GTR2 and RBR)
to start with a clean sheet. In the game adapter control panel, I left
the default 100% force settings except for the damping that I reduced to
20% and the self-centering spring effect which was disabled. In-game, I
usually set the FF strength to about 80%, except in RBR where I left it
at 100%. I set the wheel rotation range to 320 degrees. A tip for GTL:
the specialized presets for the Logitech Momo Racing wheel seem to fit
the G25 better than the plain vanilla "wheel" settings.
Is it worth 300$ ? I think so, if only for the features it provides and
that nice stitched leather-covering to which I am partial.
Is it perfect ? No. Although very good, it still won't fool you into
believing you drive a real car, although the immersion factor is
increased. Minor flaws are the H-shifter which feels a bit light (not
flimsy, just light), only two buttons directly on the wheel in addition
to the paddles and the pedals cable which could have been a couple of
feet longer (if your desk is deeper than 80 cm/31 inches, you will have
difficulties routing the cable behind it).
Did I need a G25 ? Up to now, I do not really use the new features like
the shifter or the 900 degrees rotation, although I tested both and
these do work as advertised. I can see myself starting to use the
shifter in GTL and some rFactor mods in the near future. I am not sure
that I will ever use the full 900 degrees rotation. I will almost
certainly not use the clutch as implemented in current sims. OTOH, it is
an improvement on the MS wheel even without these features. So, I don't
think that, owning a perfectly good MSFF wheel, I really needed a G25,
but I am happy to have one.
A deciding factor might be that the box in which it comes is small
enough to slip past an unsuspecting wife :)
Mr. Sylvestre