running a AMD 1.44GHz which is rated at 1.66GHz RBR neads a min of 1.6 Do
you think this is my probem or something more serious, as I meet the rest of
the specs.
2nd question. does my GF fx5900 have pixel shader support ???
I read somewhere that your CPU needs to support SSE. Only the Athlon XP &
P4 or newer support it. I don't have the box with me to see what it says.
> I read somewhere that your CPU needs to support SSE. Only the Athlon
> XP & P4 or newer support it. I don't have the box with me to see
> what it says.
Actually the Thunderbird CPUs are OK. It's the older ones that are having
Yeah, probably not much comfort, but Athlon XPs are very cheap now and
should work with your current motherboard and would probably be a much
better match for your video card anyway.
> Ta Craig
The mobo to support it was all of $130 about a year and a half ago as
well, so I imagine that's much cheaper these days as well.
Check your mobo manual but you could probably put an XP2000 or maybe
even up to an XP2400 in it on a 133Mhz (266) FSB. After that they use a
166Mhz (333) FSB so you'll probably need a new mobo, but if you're going
to get a new mobo anyway go with an A64 imo.