Just another couple questions on Nascar 2
1. Will poor Elmo get working lights on the pace car?
2. What about visible roof flaps?? will they be implememted or are we
pushing our luck?
3. Are there any plans to offer more features in the SETUP dept.?
track bar adjustment being one of them.
Also, I know its already been discussed and I think it's great that
the speddometer has been removed. But wouldn't it have been more
realistic to remove the Fuel guage and replace it with a fuel pressure
running Nascar. One thing that has REALLY bugged me was wene
you are unfortunate enuff to become envolved in a accident. If the car
goes into a spin you sit there and "spin" aimlessly .. serious
overkill :). We want to flip over <if ya don't put in the roof flaps>.
That'll teach us speed freaks to back off a little and save the
equipment!! THanks for your time.....
Andy A