>> Gday ppl
>> My trusty red momo which has worked faultlessly since new has
>> developed an odd noise while using it.I have taken off the cover and
>> noticed the small electric motor (which i think is the feedback
>> motor)is very loose.Before i start pulling it apart to much has
>> anyone had this prob? and if so how they fixed it?
> Someone has made a very good tutorial for this. Could not find it in an
> instant but I'm sure you'll find it if you spend a little bit of time on
> google. Or maybe search RSC.
> Remember to put some of that glue-like stuff on the screws to to fix them
> for good.
> Jone .
You are on the right track, the retaining screws for the motor had an issue
with loosening up, from the factory, as Jone said, use a little Loctite on
the***to keep it from backing off, you will notice the difference in the
wheels' performance once everything is tight again.
I THINK I found the tutorial Jone mentioned thru the Wingman forum here
it was a pretty detailed explanation of how to disassemble/reassemble the