you have to get the yellow flag to "wave"....meaning, you have to go across
the start/finish line and come back around...
you have to get the yellow flag to "wave"....meaning, you have to go across
the start/finish line and come back around...
What's wrong here? I thought in CART you could pit anytime without a
penalty ala NASCAR's pitting when the pits are closed. Was I supposed
to cross the start-finish line once before coming back around to the
pits? This is the pits! Is this a bug?
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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If the leader has passed the start/finish line and you haven't when the
yellow flag comes out, you may have to pass the line twice. I haven't
actually had this happen in ICR2 yet, but that's how it works out in
A followup to my own posting:
I tried it again at Surfers Paradise. This time when the yellow came
out I was in 6th about 22 seconds behind the leader. I waited until I
had crossed the start-finish under yellow and followed the leaders who
had also decided to pit. I came out and had dropped about 6 places
(others opted not to pit). I was immediately told to get behind car
#xx, which happened to be the last car on the lead lap. This car
happened to be about 1:22 seconds behind the leader (I was only in the
pits for about 15 seconds). This ticked me off! After waiting for the
stragglers to come on ahead (I am stopped on the track), I finally gave
up and decided to race ahead around the track to see what would happen.
Along the way around I noticed quite a few cars running along at a
faster pace than others and passing cars in the process. By the time
the green dropped I was ahead of the pace car and was, of course,
black flagged. I was held in the pits for 1:40+ until the last car on
the lead lap came by.
Another problem with yellows on the road courses is that the cars
further back go WAY too slow. Instead of catching up on the leaders
they actually lose distance. By the time the green drops they can be
just a few seconds in front of the pace car. This is not how the yellow
works in CART. Basically you can drive as fast as is "safe" as long as
you do not pass anyone or increase your position under yellow.
Papyrus, are you aware of this? Will a fix be due out soon?
A Side Note: I did try pitting once under the yellow Down Under and it
worked the way it should, so what gives?
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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