that I don't see any difference in framerate between 3/4 and full graphics.
>I have a Pure 3D (6MB voodoo) card and a K6-233 and 64MB of SDRAM. The
>runs beautifully with no AI and about 3/4 of the graphics on (although I
>think the Pure 3D does a bit better here because of its 4MB of texture
>memory instead of the usual Voodoo 1's 2 MB). The CPU is not up to the
>of running the AI. Even the minimal field of 5 cars drops the frame rate
>the point where it is impossible to race. Impossible to race to me means
>that you must actually have more control of the car than just for hot
>lapping since you are in traffic. The frame rate is just barely adequate
>driving alone (low to mid 20's) as these cars need very accurate and
>inputs from you to be controllable.
>If you have a 4MB voodoo, then definitely plan on 1/2 graphics and driving
>alone. You will be able to do and see more than that for sure, but not at
>frame rate that will allow you any hope of qualifying for a race let alone
>actually racing in one.
>>Has anyone run gpl with a k6 233 and voodoo 1, if so what is the
>performance of
>>this set up. any advice will help... I dont want to send 90 bucks on this
>>find i cant get some good FPS...