> > >Personally IMO Papy can be making a lot more $$$ off Nascar 2 if they
> > >everything just right.
> > I somehow doubt that statement. How many 3DFX owners have refused to
> > purchase N2 because Papyrus wouldn't code native support for it? As Jim
> > mentioned, to make it payoff, they would have to sell an additional 30K
> > units.
> I am one of those 3dfx card owners who won't buy N2 until it supports
3dfx. I
> have looked at picking N2 up several times and decided to spend the game
> budget on other titles which do support 3dfx. This week N2 lost to
> III for my money. When they publish 3dfx, I'll buy it!
about 3DFX. Have you got Carmageddon. I hear it has excellent physics even
though it doesn't emphasize serious racing (it emphasizes fun, what a
concept). I spend most of my time on the 3DFX newserver and many people
would like to see N2 3DFX but does anyone know how Nascar98 from EA will
be. Is it going to be serious or more on the arcade side. If they can make
it a good sim they'll make out like thieves (with Papyrus/Sierra being on
the losing end) because nearly every owner of a 3DFX card will only buy
games that support it (thru D3D or Glide) including me.