Often F1-2000 just completely looses its calibration for the brake pedal.
It does it at what appear to be random times when the track is loaded so
that I scream into the first corner and discover NO BRAKES!!!! (at which
point I break a lot :) ) . It never looses calibration during a race, only
at the start. Usually when I go to recalibrate afterwards there are
problems such as the brakes being stuck *on*. Many times the only solution
is to reboot the computer and then reassign the brake pedal within F!-2000.
The only other driving game that has given me this much controller grief was
RC2000 . Every other driving game I own works fine on my system and the
windows 98 game controller applet shows the brake pedal properly connected
and calibrated with very steady signal from the potentiometer. The steering
controls and the throttle pedal have never lost calibration in F1-2000.
F1-2000 always assigns the brake pedal to RZ+ axis on those occasions it can
be made to assign at all.
TM Nascar Pro wheel, DX 7a, digital gameport on Monster sound card,Win98
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PS The AI in F1-2000 bites. It makes a VROC pick up race appear sane in
comparison and John Surtees in GPL look like a paragon of risk avoiding
conservative make-it-to-the-finish line driving.