blue-screen-of-death (not just a return to the desktop, but completely
blowing away win2k). I suspect this has something to do with the vidio,
because I've gotten the BSOD only with a couple other sims (flying
ones). I'm running a nVidia GeForce 2 GTS, driver version 23.11 (latest
release [non-beta] from nVidia. Machine is a p3-1ghz, 384mb RAM,
AGP-aperature of 256mb (did it at 128mb, too).
Now the questions:
1. Any way to kill that stupid movie at the beginning? Pressing the ESC
key works about 25% of the time; the rest of the time I waste minute
watching cars spinning.
2. When I fire up the sim, I go through the F1-2001 configuration .exe
(the one that checks the vidio card performance) almost every time. Is
there a config file that's not getting written or something? Seems I
shouldn't have to do this each and every time.
Thanks for any help. I'm really enjoying this sim, but it'd be a whole
lot better without these problems!