Opionion Poll: What's the Very *** BEST *** Wheel/Pedal Setup Available ???


Opionion Poll: What's the Very *** BEST *** Wheel/Pedal Setup Available ???

by pa.. » Fri, 03 Dec 1999 04:00:00

I'm looking for your opinions and ideas regarding what is the

        *** ABSOLUTE BEST ***  

Driving Simulation Wheel and Pedal combination avaiable on the
market. Though cost is certainly some consideration, I am willing to
spend quita bit to get the *** VERY BEST *** !!!

Please post your thoughts, opinions, ideas, reviews, etc. on what each
of you feels is the ultimate setup.

URL's and other information on any manufacturer would be appreciated,
along with price info and sources.

All posted replys and reviews are greatly appreciated.



(Raymond - ACT LABS

Opionion Poll: What's the Very *** BEST *** Wheel/Pedal Setup Available ???

by (Raymond - ACT LABS » Sat, 04 Dec 1999 04:00:00

My opinion may be biased, but I think that the ACT LABS wheel is the
best wheel out there.  
It is the only wheel (within a reasonable cost) with:
1) A metal pedal unit.  This means much less pedal movement.
2) Six speed gear shifter availability.

Raymond Chow

>I'm looking for your opinions and ideas regarding what is the

>    *** ABSOLUTE BEST ***  

>Driving Simulation Wheel and Pedal combination avaiable on the
>market. Though cost is certainly some consideration, I am willing to
>spend quita bit to get the *** VERY BEST *** !!!

>Please post your thoughts, opinions, ideas, reviews, etc. on what each
>of you feels is the ultimate setup.

>URL's and other information on any manufacturer would be appreciated,
>along with price info and sources.

>All posted replys and reviews are greatly appreciated.



Brian P. Sween

Opionion Poll: What's the Very *** BEST *** Wheel/Pedal Setup Available ???

by Brian P. Sween » Sat, 04 Dec 1999 04:00:00

> I'm looking for your opinions and ideas regarding what is the

>         *** ABSOLUTE BEST ***  

> Driving Simulation Wheel and Pedal combination avaiable on the
> market. Though cost is certainly some consideration, I am willing to
> spend quita bit to get the *** VERY BEST *** !!!

Damn, Allan, for a guy who spends a lot of time absolutely dogging racing
sims and insulting the people who enjoy them, it's rather funny to see you

Not surprising you're looking for the best, though; you are a millionaire
at least once over, correct?

Is this controller perchance to be used in training a new driver, in the
manner that Montoya, Gordon, Villeneuve, and others, learn the courses?

From what you tell us, it's an IRL car. Really don't know why you're
looking to do the sim thing like us lowly and stupid race fans.

It's "replies," Allan, and I'll be you won't appreciate this one.

You really should try racing some in your lifetime (and not on your
computer ...). You would quickly discover how much easier a road
course is than an oval.

-Allan Pagan

Steve Ferguso

Opionion Poll: What's the Very *** BEST *** Wheel/Pedal Setup Available ???

by Steve Ferguso » Sat, 04 Dec 1999 04:00:00

:> All posted replys and reviews are greatly appreciated.

: It's "replies," Allan, and I'll be you won't appreciate this one.

And you probably wanted to say "bet"  :)


Brian P. Sween

Opionion Poll: What's the Very *** BEST *** Wheel/Pedal Setup Available ???

by Brian P. Sween » Sat, 04 Dec 1999 04:00:00

> :> All posted replys and reviews are greatly appreciated.

> : It's "replies," Allan, and I'll be you won't appreciate this one.

> And you probably wanted to say "bet"  :)

> Stephen

Not at all. I was going for that whole transcendental vibe.

You really should try racing some in your lifetime (and not on your
computer ...). You would quickly discover how much easier a road
course is than an oval.

-Allan Pagan


Opionion Poll: What's the Very *** BEST *** Wheel/Pedal Setup Available ???

by BrianZanas » Sat, 04 Dec 1999 04:00:00

>Damn, Allan, for a guy who spends a lot of time absolutely dogging racing
>sims and insulting the people who enjoy them, it's rather funny to see you

Last time I checked, people had the perogative to change their minds. Maybe
he's had a change of heart.

So what if he is? Do I detect a bit of jealousy in your question? Actually,
if you added up the net worth of the average Joe in the US, you'd find their
net worth was alot closer to $1 million than you'd think. So....So what if
he is?

Or maybe just Allan having fun, relaxing, and blowing off steam? You know,
there are those that have a bit of down-time that is used to relax. Not
everyone spends every waking hour on the newsgroups looking to snipe at the
person they have decided to ***-stalk.

To Allan:
Sorry about your pesky ***-stalker problem. Unfortunately, a pediculocide
and fine tooth comb won't remove it. Like a *** neighborhood cat, it seems
your stalker is determined to ***in every sandbox (aka newsgroup) that he
finds you in.

It is interesting that he archives your old posts. This could signal an
obsession with you.


Opionion Poll: What's the Very *** BEST *** Wheel/Pedal Setup Available ???

by pa.. » Sat, 04 Dec 1999 04:00:00

>Damn, Allan, for a guy who spends a lot of time absolutely dogging racing
>sims and insulting the people who enjoy them, it's rather funny to see you

We're putting together a simulator together for the hospitality area
for our sponsors, Brain ...

(or is it Phillip, Scott, or Smoking today ???)

And for those sponsors, yes, I want the best.



Opionion Poll: What's the Very *** BEST *** Wheel/Pedal Setup Available ???

by pa.. » Sat, 04 Dec 1999 04:00:00

        [ some snipped ]

Thank you, Mr. Zanass. I appreciate that you understand the problem.
He does semm to have a rather odd fixation with me, but then again,
its his problem. If you are the least bit familiar with him, then you
know this kind of juvenile behavior is his norm ...

So perhaps now that he's spewed some more of his diatribe, he'll flake

Maybe now I can ask those here that know the subject matter to address
my inquiry. I would very much appreciate it.

Thanks again,


Brian P. Sween

Opionion Poll: What's the Very *** BEST *** Wheel/Pedal Setup Available ???

by Brian P. Sween » Sat, 04 Dec 1999 04:00:00

> Last time I checked, people had the perogative to change their minds. Maybe
> he's had a change of heart.

Shut up, Ian. The guy posts both my sig and the r.a.s. posts on the same
day, and he's changed his mind?

Just like you're stalking me and my posts, loser? You've been following me
around for a few days, now, on three groups. Go away. It's flattering to
have fans, but really, this is too much.

Well, wherever Allan shows up is, ipso facto, crapped in.


You really should try racing some in your lifetime (and not on your
computer ...). You would quickly discover how much easier a road
course is than an oval.

-Allan Pagan

Ian Prat

Opionion Poll: What's the Very *** BEST *** Wheel/Pedal Setup Available ???

by Ian Prat » Sat, 04 Dec 1999 04:00:00

Don't flatter yourself. I wouldn't stalk you if I were gay and had a ***
for sh*thouse lawyers.

Also, I have been on RASI for over 3 years, and RAS for over a year. Just
because you have never seen me on here or RASI doesn't mean I didn't have a
different name or internet provider. Also as far as RASC is concerned, I am
a fan of CART, and will continue to go to that public newsgroup to discuss
CART related issues.

I am not stalking you, nor have I ever wanted to stalk you. However, when I
see you tainting otherwise civil discussions with your hate, it is within my
rights to speak my mind.

BTW, Mr. Lawyer of the Latrine.....Doesn't your question of me stalking you
imply that I am a stalker? Wouldn't that be considered slander since it was
performed in a public forum?

Maybe because you are following him?

No, no projection....I don't archive your old posts Brain. I try to keep my
sandbox clean.

I believe his point was that until you get real life experience, don't apply
your *** experiences to statements pertaining to "real-life" racing. I
bet that all of the sim-players here that also have or do race in real life
would agree that very few, if any sims would come close to making the
average Joe ready to race in that sim's real life counterpart.

BTW, I have to agree with his statement as pasted above...In my limited
"real life" experiences on both road courses and ovals, you have to be more
gentle and use more fine motor "touch" on ovals, all the while feeling for
the vehicle breaking loose and dealing with traffic. All that while dealing
with forces that make gross motor movement a challenge. On a road course,
you can sling the vehicle around more using more gross motor skills and less
fine motor skills and USUALLY not worry that there is a guy to your left,
and one to your right.

Now, I will attempt to get back to the subject of discussing simulators and
their related issues.

"Ne Conjuge Nobiscum"


Opionion Poll: What's the Very *** BEST *** Wheel/Pedal Setup Available ???

by pjgt.. » Sat, 04 Dec 1999 04:00:00

Not so.....

The F1 Sim (full size, not the compact version) have an all steel
contruction. The Steering wheel (with F1 style shifters), steering
column, pedals (F1 Style), and the pedal base are all steel and very
sturdy. And they are very reasonably priced.


*Peter* -

Don Scurlo

Opionion Poll: What's the Very *** BEST *** Wheel/Pedal Setup Available ???

by Don Scurlo » Sat, 04 Dec 1999 04:00:00

If cost is no object then go here:

Don Scurlock

Jeffrey Haa

Opionion Poll: What's the Very *** BEST *** Wheel/Pedal Setup Available ???

by Jeffrey Haa » Sat, 04 Dec 1999 04:00:00

>>Damn, Allan, for a guy who spends a lot of time absolutely dogging racing
>>sims and insulting the people who enjoy them, it's rather funny to see you

>We're putting together a simulator together for the hospitality area
>for our sponsors, Brain ...

>(or is it Phillip, Scott, or Smoking today ???)

>And for those sponsors, yes, I want the best.



I'd go with a HyperStimulator. It has a great feel with the pedals
but does lack force feedbackon the wheel. It is a complete "cockpit".
I built
a kit but they make complete setups with custom paint. A number of
real life drivers have them. You can get them with driver harness
and the whole works. Programmable buttons on the steering wheel.

Don't let these guys bullshit you about delivery times. With your
clout you may not have a problem but be aware.

I also noticed this at their site:

Jeff Haas


Opionion Poll: What's the Very *** BEST *** Wheel/Pedal Setup Available ???

by pa.. » Sat, 04 Dec 1999 04:00:00

>Shut up, Ian.

Nice. So classy and cultured ...

Where did I post "your sig" ???

You're using a statement *** I *** made as "your sig" and now
its"yours" ...

Oh, BTW ...   I haven't changed my mind at all. You have absolutely no
idea about controlling a "real" race car on any kind of "real" race
track, or you would know that driving on a high-speed, banked oval at
the limit is more challenging, and intense, than driving at the limit
on a road course. There is nearly zero margin for error, whereas on a
road course you can much more easily recover from an error.

You base your entire knowledge of racing from computer simulations.
They most definitely are not the "real" thing, or really even close to

But you really do seem to have developed a penchant for following me
around where ever I go. You don't see me hunting down your posts in
every newsgroup you drop a line in ...

You're beginning to exhibit signs of obsessive-complusive behavior,
Phillip ...

(BTW, its flattering to have fans, but this is too much ...)

Only because you follow ...    everywhere I go ...   like the little
"***-stalker" you are ...

You archive my posts. Quote me in "your" sig. Follow along behind me
where ever I go on USENET. Feel compelled to post a comment follow-up
on each and every post I make. Attempt to write poetry about me. Send
me unsolicited, insulting, and harassing e-mail (and obviously do to
others, too ...). Seem to fixate on my every word or phrase ...

Sounds pretty obsessive to me ...

(Pssst ...   Brain, everyone else is beginning to notice, too ...)

Yep. I said it ...   and I'll say it again. You really should try
racing some in your lifetime (and not on your computer ...). You would
quickly discover how much easier a road course is than an oval.

Get outside some, Phillip. Get some sun. Get a life. Get your degree.
Oh ...   and seek some professional help.



Opionion Poll: What's the Very *** BEST *** Wheel/Pedal Setup Available ???

by pa.. » Sat, 04 Dec 1999 04:00:00

On Fri, 3 Dec 1999 16:06:55 -0500, "Ian Pratt"

>Don't flatter yourself. I wouldn't stalk you if I were gay and had a ***
>for sh*thouse lawyers.

He was "projecting" ...       :-)

Trust me on this ...   He's not a lawyer. He wants you and everyone
else to "think" he is ...

So it should be "Wanna-Be Lawyer of the Latrine" ...

BTW, "tainting" is his middle name. He taints discussions. He taints
votes ...

Geez, the other day he admitted to voting on a CFV more than once ...

Archiving his old post would be akin to trying to give your computer a
virus ...

I couldn't have said it better myself. Thank you, Ian.

Would you mind posting these two paragraphs over on ras-indy and
ras-cart. It won't stop him from following us, or from his prattling,
but it will give a few of those folks over there some points to bean
him with ...

I'm all for it. How about it folks ...   Any thoughts, ideas, opinions
on the merits-demerits of simulator wheel-edal combos ???


Allan is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.