World Grand Prix, Dreamcast! It's pure Cack!

Ken Ston

World Grand Prix, Dreamcast! It's pure Cack!

by Ken Ston » Sun, 21 Nov 1999 04:00:00

I'm quite fond of Ready 2 Rumble on the Dreamcast. I've only played
the demo in the corner of an Electronic Boutiques store, but today
they changed the game to the new F1 World Grand Prix?

Any more games like this and the Dreamcast is headed down the toilet!
It was utter hash! The car handling was so unbelievably bad, it
reminded me of micromachines on the Mega Drive!

The graphics were nothing special (I liked the smoke effects from the
tyres, but that was all), besides the very good frame rate.

I consider myself to be quite the racing sim' fan. I've been racing
simulators for years, and have all of the major titles. I shall NOT be
adding this to my collection, for sure.

Shame that this had to be released on the Dreamcast so early when,
when it's still being evaluated by users who haven't yet splashed out
their cash.

No insult to the Dreamcast or Sega intended - just the game developers
of F1 World Grand Prix!

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- ICQ #53954494


World Grand Prix, Dreamcast! It's pure Cack!

by SimRace » Sun, 21 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Was Monaco Grand Prix released in Europe?  I think it's a terrific port of
the PC version.
   "Ain't that right, Slick?"

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