I like Microsoft products, Office, FrontPage, etc. and OE is a pretty
good email program but it's 'terrible' with usenet messages. If you
don't mind a reader that can't effectively filter, or even delete, and
persistently drops messages; go right ahead but it doesn't say much
for you as being a knowledgeable computer user. Especially for
someone as you who is supposed to be knowledgeable in the first
place. But then, a tirade about a pizza delivery, BMW, and '65 VW
bug with deadhead stickers and psychedelic paint doesn't speak well
for a person either.
I'm not trying to change your mind or force my will on you. I'm simply
informing you of the problems with OE and, 'God forbid', telling you
how you're being perceived by many on usenet. If you don't care, fine,
move on with yourself but the fact is people automatically assume you
don't know any better and are ignorantly using what came with
Windows. Or even worse, you know of the problems but continue to
use it because you like the way it looks. You're an *** and capable
of making your own decisions, and you shouldn't have a problem with
others pointing out the consequences and realities.
>Not very net savvy? That makes me laugh. That's like saying if you don't
>use Pine you're not cool. I suppose you're still using packet drivers? Are
>you composing your messages with VI? I mean really, if you didn't write
>your NG reader yourself, why are you breathing my air? What RFC specs the
>kind of News Reader and OS you use anyway?
>Who cares what you use? SmokeRelay 1.0 sounds like fun. Might have to try
>it some time:)
>I've been around computers and the net for a long time and could really care
>less what you or anyone else uses or how savvy they are. I'm more
>interested in what they have to say. Kind of like if I order a pizza, I
>don't care what they drive up in as long as the pizza's good. The same
>pizza doesn't taste any better delivered in BMW vs. a 65' VW bug. Though I
>do find a '65 bug with deadhead stickers and psychedelic paint more
>interesting than the thousands of the run of the mill BMW's I see all the
>time. So are those who use AOL or WebTV bad people? Are they of less
>character and intelligence than the rest of us?
>And on the topic of top vs. bottom posting I don't care if the pizza driver
>pulled right in or backed up the driveway either:) I'm interested in the
>pizza not the delivery, but then again I have a life:)
>... Carl Frisk
>> I'm sorry but, if you use OE, it doesn't reflect well on you as being net-
>> savvy or well informed in computing. It's akin to using AOL or WebTV.
>> My mother uses AOL because that's about all she can handle or manage
>> technically. Pointing this out to others may seem a bit rude but it's the
>> hard truth.