What dweeb puts "hehe" in their reply ? Who you calling ***, *** ?
Do you realize that you/we are the minority ? Zillions of internet users
have never even heard of usenet, let alone the programs available to run it.
I'll cite that as number 8 on my list.
Number 9. Do I hear 10?
On Sat, 13 Sep 2003 23:09:26 +0930, "Kasper Kowalski"
> Number 9. Do I hear 10?
> On Sat, 13 Sep 2003 23:09:26 +0930, "Kasper Kowalski"
> >You didn't proof-read your original post.
10. You advocate against top posting and then turn right around and
do it yourself.
You don't think things thru very well, do you. Don't you realize your
practice of filtering out top posting just filtered your own reply?
(hehheh-heh) This is becoming comical...
>>Hmmmm... if I was a betting man, I'd be inclined to put money on you being a
On Sun, 14 Sep 2003 02:26:23 +0930, "Kasper Kowalski"
(hehheh-heh) I don't think I've seen so many blunders by the same person
under a single subject header in my entire time on usenet. This is a hoot.
On Sat, 13 Sep 2003 23:06:32 +0930, "Kasper Kowalski"
Naaa, probably a 14 year old.
Have a nice PLONK :)
I think there should be some sort of affirmative action for Agent Users.
"There are too many people who imagine
that there is something sophisticated
about always believing the best of those
who hate your country, and the worst of
those who defend it."
Former UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher
Besides what wrong with a little *top-posting* every now and then...? <g>
>> hehe...What dweeb uses outlook. The Pussification of the net continues.
Former UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher
> >LOL, what an educated and mature rebuttal.
> >>Hmmmm... if I was a betting man, I'd be inclined to put money on you
being a
> >>loser.