I've put in a couple of hours in F1RS, 5 today and 7 yesterday :o). I drive in
Expert mode, without any helps on whatsoever, not even the trajectory line. I
can easily qualify in the 1:31's in a Williams, which always seems to give me
Pole :o). In a 25% race I sooner or later have to lap some backmarkers. My
advice to everyone is that you overtake the backmarkers as if they are racing
for position, because no backmarker I've lapped so far has never left their race
line and never slowed down to let me pass.
Someone earlier stated that the AI could be dependent on what computer you have,
so mine is a 200MHz K6 and I have a Righteous 3Dfx card, 32MB memory. I do
believe the AI in GP2 is better regarding backmarkers. In GP2 I have about 500
hours of racing without any helps or aids whatsoever, and have, after some
calculations, certainly lapped around 1000 backmarkers. In GP2 they either leave
the race line or slow down, or they dont seem to see you, which all three are
very possible in real F1, I do believe.
/Christer Andersson, was fast in GP2 too :o)