OT: Crouching Tiger...amazing

Andre Warrin

OT: Crouching Tiger...amazing

by Andre Warrin » Thu, 22 Feb 2001 18:13:57

>I'm curious about this film, only because I'm not a big fan of Kung Fu
>or "Fight" movies.  However, , it _is_ nominated for Best Picture.  So,
>I figure that there's got to be more to it than special effects and
>cinematography, but that's all they play up on the TV commercials.  If
>so, what more does this movie have?

>Can you give a short description/review?  I'm thinking of going to see
>it, but don't want to waste my money on simply a good looking martial
>arts flick.

Go here
and select 'more' after user comments.
This is a superb site for reviewing movies.



>>   Just got back from watching Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.
>> I'm still going ....whoa!   The Matrix looks limp and lifeless
>> compared to CTHD.  If you are prone to motion sickness
>> tho...avoid this one.

>> --
>> dave henrie
>> Free the ICR2 source code!



OT: Crouching Tiger...amazing

by Dog-Le » Thu, 22 Feb 2001 23:48:26

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Ok, I guess the ability to walk in thin air and kick at a rate that
surpasses a mini-gun is pretty much universal these days :)

I never said I didn't find it entertaining, though :)  The Matrix and The
5th Element are my favorite 'background' movies.


> Matrix Rip Off?   LOL

> That is like saying that The Matrix is a Tron rip off

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> > I haven't seen it yet, but from the commercials it's an obvious Matrix
> > rip-off.

> > As always, I'll wait for the DVD.  I don't do movie Theaters any more :)

> > Thanks for the tip!

> > -Larry

> > >   Just got back from watching Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.
> > > I'm still going ....whoa!   The Matrix looks limp and lifeless
> > > compared to CTHD.  If you are prone to motion sickness
> > > tho...avoid this one.

> > > --
> > > dave henrie
> > > Free the ICR2 source code!

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OT: Crouching Tiger...amazing

by Dog-Le » Thu, 22 Feb 2001 23:49:39

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Ok, so maybe it isn't obvious :)


> >I haven't seen it yet, but from the commercials it's an obvious Matrix
> >rip-off.

> 'an obvious Matrix rip-off'

> Is your knowledge of cinematic history limited to the last
> five years?  Do you read Greek mythology and Arthurian legends and
> think, 'Man, they're ripping Lucas and Spielberg off!'?

> Martin
> Long Live Nigel Mansell!

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OT: Crouching Tiger...amazing

by Eldre » Fri, 23 Feb 2001 04:22:33

>To you reading sub-titles is what turns you off from a movie?  Did they go
>too fast for you?  After 5 or 10 minutes, I did not even realize I was
>reading them anymore.. it just came automatically.  My wife and I went to
>watch the VCD again the other night and it actually surprised me when the
>subtitles came on. I had completely forgot the movie had them.

I saw "Das Boot" with subtitles.  It didn't take a THING away from the movie -
I *still* thought it was great...

Dale Earnhardt, Sr. 1951-2001
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Dave Henri

OT: Crouching Tiger...amazing

by Dave Henri » Fri, 23 Feb 2001 08:03:50

movie - > I *still* thought it was great...
   That was that great movie about one lap around the Full Watkins Glen
dave henrie


OT: Crouching Tiger...amazing

by Joe6 » Fri, 23 Feb 2001 15:49:08

>It's been described as "martial arts meets kung fu"

Duh. The quote is supposed to be "martial arts meets Star Wars".

Joe McGinn
Radical Entertainment


OT: Crouching Tiger...amazing

by Eldre » Sat, 24 Feb 2001 05:18:30

>> I saw "Das Boot" with subtitles.  It didn't take a THING away from the
>movie - > I *still* thought it was great...

>> Eldred
>   That was that great movie about one lap around the Full Watkins Glen
>dave henrie


Dale Earnhardt, Sr. 1951-2001
Homepage -
GPL F1 hcp. +28.67...F2 +151.26...F3 hcp. +373.73

Never argue with an idiot.  He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
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A Thoma

OT: Crouching Tiger...amazing

by A Thoma » Sat, 24 Feb 2001 05:54:54

> >To you reading sub-titles is what turns you off from a movie?  Did they
> >too fast for you?  After 5 or 10 minutes, I did not even realize I was
> >reading them anymore.. it just came automatically.  My wife and I went to
> >watch the VCD again the other night and it actually surprised me when the
> >subtitles came on. I had completely forgot the movie had them.

> I saw "Das Boot" with subtitles.  It didn't take a THING away from the
movie -
> I *still* thought it was great...

Das Boot is one of the finest war films ever made . I've seen it more times
than I can remember . The first time I watched it I found it so engrossing
that I sided with the Germans against the British at the harbour scene at
the end


Saturn S. Padu

OT: Crouching Tiger...amazing

by Saturn S. Padu » Sun, 25 Feb 2001 06:07:17

>> Does CTHD have music by Lisa Gerard?

>Anyway give me Yo-Yo Ma anyday over James Horner's pale copy of Holst's The
>Planets.  But we all know in the movie music industry that Horner is just a

<way off-topic nitpick mode: on>

It was Hans Zimmer, not James Horner that collaborated with Lisa
Gerrard on the Gladiator score. And I still find it an exceptionally
good soundtrack (mostly due to Gerrard) regardless of Zimmer's
borrowing from Holst's "Mars." During last week's 500, a commercial
for the upcoming Rockingham race aired. The commercial was set to the
battle waltzes from the Gladiator soundtrack, and it was eerily

The pair should get the Oscar nod this year. If there's any justice,
Tan Dun and Yo-Yo Ma should get it too for CTHD. (There's never been a
TIE for Best Score before)

Almost all movie orchestral soundtracks are derivative from classical
music. That's unavoidable. If the composers are classically trained,
they routinely borrow from their classical roots. Calling it theft or
calling them hacks is a little unfounded. Hell, even a master like
John Williams created  the Star Wars theme from "Twinkle Twinkle
Little Star". He even borrowed from your hero, Miklos Rosza when he
scored Phantom Menace.

Once you realize that soundtrack music can't help but be derivative, I
find you enjoy them more.

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