If so, please, PLEASE post the info?
1. Unpack the gpldemo.exe to c:\gpl (or whatever directory
you wish to put it in.) using winzip. (Dont run the file)
2. Copy wininet.dll from c:\gpl to c:\gpl\program
3. Run the program and calibrate your wheel, pick your graphic
options, and so forth but do not enter the track screen.
Exit the game before putting the car on the track.
4. Copy c:\gpl\controls\options.ini to c:\gpl\options.ini
5. Make c:\gpl\options.ini read only.
6. Make c:\gpl\controls\options.ini read only.
It may be necessary to edit a line in both \options.ini files under [graphic
options] to reflect your graphics card. Mine says:
lastRasterizerDLL = rast3dfx.dll ; Last rasterizer DLL used
"You *will* hit what you look at. In that case, try looking at the apex
instead of the gravel at your turn in point."
F1RS - http://www.nmia.com/~chaser/car/results.htm
Remove us here and there to mail me.
Havent tried it myself though
Hope thisll help you out