as you can. You have bought one of the slowest MX cards out there.
The reason for this is that DDR memory. While you are correct in that,
everything else being equal, DDR memory is faster than SDR memory but with
an MX card everything else is NOT equal. With SDR memory an MX card
operates with a 128 bit data path. With DDR memory the data path is cut in
half to only 64 bits. The DDR memory is therefore useless as any gain the
DDR ram gives you is more than lost in the data path traffic jam slowdown.
DDR memory on an MX card is a DISadvantage and an advertising gimic
only. You are MUCH better off with SDR ram. As for the SDR MX cards they
are all pretty much the same UNTIL you go to overclock them. Some cards have
a better grade of ram than others and the ones with the batter ram can
overclock higher. At the time I bought mine before Christmas the card with
the best grade of ram was the HERC GForce 2 MX. There may have been some to
equal the Herc but there was none better that I heard of. Since Christmas
there have been several new flavors of MX cards introduced, some with 64
megs instead of the usual 32. I dont know much about them.
Incidently, I found this out when I bought the same Creative DDR MX you
did. I was fortunate enough to run into a guy who told me what I just told
you. I now have a Herc GForce 2 MX with SDR ram and am getting MUCH better