I believe the computer starts when all players are off the track and
the server sync's with the clients.
I have never seen the race start while drivers were still on the track.
This will only happen if the host forces a race start, but then the
field is randomized and your qualification times don't count :(
Maybe conduct a test? Time how long it takes when people exit the
track. Compare that with having everyone practice for another 10
minutes. You know the race will begin shortly when the session
status is "Complete".
Inquiring minds want to know.
> Typically, when the practice clock has ticked down to 0 people start typing
> "practice over, back to pits please" and stuff like that. But it seems to me
> that it doesn't make any difference, even if everyone is off the track there is
> still a delay after the practice clock has ticked down to 0.
> So should I just keep driving until the computer forces me to the next stage?
> I don't think it saves any time if everyone pits out, the computer seems to go
> at it's own pace anyway.
> So don't get mad if people are still on the track after practice is over. I
> think the computer moves things along when it's ready regardless of what's
> happening on the track.
> Am I right in this?
> glen
Jason Monds
(Please remove 'no extra spork' when replying)