I'm having trouble linking between 2 pc's... On my old machine (p-166), the
com3 port (sharing with a mouse on com1:) used to be available only in
Windows mode, not in DOS... Even though LapLink (dos util) would see all the
ports... Having "GP2 linkonmouseport" as a command line solved this...
Now I have the exact same problem on my p2-350, except that the available
port is supposed to be com4: (sharing with the modem on com2:)... GP2 only
shows com2: as an available port...If I run "GP2 linkonmouseport", only
com1, com2, & com3 (??) are available... Again, I can transfer stuff thru
LapLink using com4: on the p2-350 & com3: on the p-166, Also the com4 port
is listed as available from Windows Device manager (com3 isn't...)
I also tried to use Comsetup from the GP2 CD, it reported my ports 1 & 2
fine, but listed the com3 with an hex address but com4 with 0000h... Tried
to force com4: on the Bios defined adress (2e8h, I think)
Any ideas what can be done to force GP2 to link on com4:?
Thanks in advance...