Will Matrox Millennium improve GP2 compared to a S3Trio64+ Card?
I have just tested these and I can`t see any difference, at least not
when it comes to CPU occupancy.
The Matrox has 2 mb Wram and the S3 has 2 mb Dram.
I ran a comparison on the 2 cards in bench32 which showed that the
Matrox was approx 40% faster, but the question is, does it improve the
GP2 sim (occupancy or other things)?
Will the S3 accelerator (S3spdup) improve the matrox?
It didn`t for me, same occupancy with or without.
With the S3 card it decreases the occ. with approx. 10%.
Is there any similar acelerator for the Matrox?
Please reply to this if you know what you are talking about.
Clas H. Larsson (Team Toyota Norway)