Please, make the replay theater support sub-directories - I get completely
lost with all these files!
Thank you!
Please, make the replay theater support sub-directories - I get completely
lost with all these files!
Thank you!
> Here's my request for NR2003. Don't make it! NR2002 is fine. Time for a
> new open wheel sim...
> Sorry couldn't resist ;-).
Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy
"The Pits"
"A man is only as old as the woman he feels"
--Groucho Marx--
> > Here's my request for NR2003. Don't make it! NR2002 is fine. Time for
> > new open wheel sim...
> > Sorry couldn't resist ;-).
> In that case ... AUSSIE V8's !!!
> Beers and cheers
> (uncle) Goy
Same here!
But if you're gonna make N2k3, one added request for the controls:
Add a function that steps through the F1, F2, etc. displays, and
maybe another key to go backwards. I only have 6 buttons on my wheel
and with this all displays are accessible using only 2 buttons.
I agree, but I think they know by now :)
> -Marty
> > Just a super simple request for N2003:
> > Please, make the replay theater support sub-directories - I get
> > lost with all these files!
> > Thank you!
> > --
> > ed_
If I could use the top row of buttons to go gack and forth between the
F1-F10, and then the next two buttons for the action buttons, I'd be happy!
That leaves two buttons left over for Pit entry/exit.
Scott B. Husted
ICQ# 4395450
> > Here's my request for NR2003. Don't make it! NR2002 is fine. Time for
> > new open wheel sim...
> > Sorry couldn't resist ;-).
> In that case ... AUSSIE V8's !!!
> Beers and cheers
> (uncle) Goy
> "The Pits"
> "A man is only as old as the woman he feels"
> --Groucho Marx--
you know, I had never seen those cars before. After hearing you holler
AUSSIE V8's for the millionth time, I did a search on the web. They look
kinda kewwwlllllll.......
> you know, I had never seen those cars before. After hearing you holler
> AUSSIE V8's for the millionth time, I did a search on the web. They look
> kinda kewwwlllllll.......
Olav Malmin
remove .spam when replying
> > In that case ... AUSSIE V8's !!!
> you know, I had never seen those cars before. After hearing you holler
> AUSSIE V8's for the millionth time, I did a search on the web. They look
> kinda kewwwlllllll.......
...right click and "save as", I don't have the bandwidth to do streaming
Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy
"The Pits"
"A man is only as old as the woman he feels"
--Groucho Marx--
Samuli, thanks again!
> If I could use the top row of buttons to go gack and forth
between the
> F1-F10, and then the next two buttons for the action buttons,
I'd be happy!
> That leaves two buttons left over for Pit entry/exit.
> -Larry
> > Martin Fay schrieb:
> > > Here's my request for NR2003. Don't make it! NR2002 is
fine. Time for
> a
> > > new open wheel sim...
> > > Sorry couldn't resist ;-).
> > Same here!
> > But if you're gonna make N2k3, one added request for the
> > Add a function that steps through the F1, F2, etc. displays,
> > maybe another key to go backwards. I only have 6 buttons on
my wheel
> > and with this all displays are accessible using only 2
> > l8er
> > ronny
> If I could use the top row of buttons to go gack and forth between the
> F1-F10, and then the next two buttons for the action buttons, I'd be
> That leaves two buttons left over for Pit entry/exit.
> -Larry
> > Martin Fay schrieb:
> > > Here's my request for NR2003. Don't make it! NR2002 is fine. Time
> a
> > > new open wheel sim...
> > > Sorry couldn't resist ;-).
> > Same here!
> > But if you're gonna make N2k3, one added request for the controls:
> > Add a function that steps through the F1, F2, etc. displays, and
> > maybe another key to go backwards. I only have 6 buttons on my wheel
> > and with this all displays are accessible using only 2 buttons.
> > l8er
> > ronny
"jon" said...
> I think it's about time Goy upload that 9minutes video clip of the start of
> the '94 (?) "dash" over the mountain again.... 'Bout time we educated
> these kids :-))))
Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy
"The Pits"
"A man is only as old as the woman he feels"
--Groucho Marx--