Fav Engine sound for GPL

don hodgdo

Fav Engine sound for GPL

by don hodgdo » Sun, 02 Apr 2000 04:00:00

I've been using the sounds from Alison's GPL site for some time now, I like
them all, the Ferrari sound is pure heaven.

"Getting hit by a meteorite is an accident...
  everything else is driver-error."

Tony StewartNo

Fav Engine sound for GPL

by Tony StewartNo » Mon, 03 Apr 2000 05:00:00

People. i know this is a wired question........ (infact dumb) but what is your
engine sound for GPL.

Fav Engine sound for GPL

by Wozm » Mon, 03 Apr 2000 05:00:00

Ferrari.  And I use the original. I guess I'm afraid to try the new ones and
then I will spend two days trying to put the old ones back on! :)
Mike Loos
D. \

Fav Engine sound for GPL

by D. \ » Mon, 03 Apr 2000 05:00:00

I mainly race F2 & F3.  I like to edit my own sounds.  I've got a collection
of about 50 of them.  My favorite has to be for:  F3, the Lawnmower... or
the Chainsaw,  for F2, I like to use the Rusted Nova.

Seriously though...  I mostly use a mixed version of MacWun's excellent
Brabham, and a NASCAR V8 sound.


PS.  If you've got a sense of humor, you can find a large portion of my
"custom" sounds on Mike Horton's F2/F3 Hotlaps page.  He's been gracious
enough to host them at:

Thomas Soerense

Fav Engine sound for GPL

by Thomas Soerense » Mon, 03 Apr 2000 05:00:00

The original Ferrari sound makes me feel so good in weird

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David Kar

Fav Engine sound for GPL

by David Kar » Mon, 03 Apr 2000 05:00:00

Once I recorded my own voice saying "pluh pluh pluh," and, for fun, used
that as a car sound .   On the start grid it was hilarious.  This continues
the Flintstones theme (for which see another post).


> I mainly race F2 & F3.  I like to edit my own sounds.  I've got a
> of about 50 of them.  My favorite has to be for:  F3, the Lawnmower... or
> the Chainsaw,  for F2, I like to use the Rusted Nova.

> Seriously though...  I mostly use a mixed version of MacWun's excellent
> Brabham, and a NASCAR V8 sound.

> Dents.

> PS.  If you've got a sense of humor, you can find a large portion of my
> "custom" sounds on Mike Horton's F2/F3 Hotlaps page.  He's been gracious
> enough to host them at:

> > People. i know this is a wired question........ (infact dumb) but what
> your
> > favorite
> > engine sound for GPL.


Fav Engine sound for GPL

by Woodie » Mon, 03 Apr 2000 05:00:00

>People. i know this is a wired question........ (infact dumb) but what is
>your favorite engine sound for GPL.

I love the sound of the Ferrari, for about one lap.  After that it cuts like
a knife.  Probably quite realistic, but drives me crazy.  My league just
went to an assigned car format and I'm stuck in the Cooper.  Not the
best choice for speed, but the engine sound is much less annoying,
to both myself and my roomate.

Don McCorkle


Fav Engine sound for GPL

by Ace » Mon, 03 Apr 2000 05:00:00

BRM, No doubt about it. The engine sound is the only reason to drive this
monster. Kinda reminds me of a girl I used to know, the way it chugs along.

I'll stop there.


Fav Engine sound for GPL

by Ace » Mon, 03 Apr 2000 05:00:00

>Ferrari.  And I use the original. I guess I'm afraid to try the new ones
>then I will spend two days trying to put the old ones back on! :)
>Mike Loos

The Ferrari sound is unique, sure, but it sounds a little, well, strained
eh? I mean, if an engine could be constipated...
Edwin Solhei

Fav Engine sound for GPL

by Edwin Solhei » Mon, 03 Apr 2000 05:00:00

Can't remember where I got it, but the BRM V16 sample i got for the BRM is
my fav. (even tho i only drive the Ferrari myself)

Lapping these monsters have become a real thrill :))
Sounds just awesome imho.

Ed Solheim

> People. i know this is a wired question........ (infact dumb) but what is
> favorite
> engine sound for GPL.

Tony StewartNo

Fav Engine sound for GPL

by Tony StewartNo » Mon, 03 Apr 2000 05:00:00


Fav Engine sound for GPL

by Y_Sbutycas » Mon, 03 Apr 2000 05:00:00

If you change sampleRPM to 4200.000000 in the app.ini file, the Ferrari
sounds much better.

> >Ferrari.  And I use the original. I guess I'm afraid to try the new ones
> and
> >then I will spend two days trying to put the old ones back on! :)
> >Mike Loos

> The Ferrari sound is unique, sure, but it sounds a little, well, strained
> eh? I mean, if an engine could be constipated...


Fav Engine sound for GPL

by Benjam » Tue, 04 Apr 2000 04:00:00

The first time I ran it, I had the sound turned way up with subwoofer
and everything - hearing the Ferrari literally gave me a chill, phased
the throttle just sitting there taking it all in - hairs on the back
of my kneck stood up - still love that whine but I've kinda gotten
spoiled on driving the Eagle, which engine sound wise I like it then I
don't then I do etc.

Also love the song of the BRM -  just something about a big block, and
that thing sounds big - if I ever figure out how to drive it fast, I
could easily end up sticking with it....

>People. i know this is a wired question........ (infact dumb) but what is your
>engine sound for GPL.

Steve Garrot

Fav Engine sound for GPL

by Steve Garrot » Tue, 04 Apr 2000 04:00:00

I have a really bass-filled Ferrari sound that really makes it sound
cool, my favorite would have to be the sound I am using for the
Coventry/Cooper, do not know if it is the original or not, but it
sounds great! I also have to agree on the BRM, it has a very distinct
sound. "Is that a BRM closing on me . . ."


>The first time I ran it, I had the sound turned way up with subwoofer
>and everything - hearing the Ferrari literally gave me a chill, phased
>the throttle just sitting there taking it all in - hairs on the back
>of my kneck stood up - still love that whine but I've kinda gotten
>spoiled on driving the Eagle, which engine sound wise I like it then I
>don't then I do etc.

>Also love the song of the BRM -  just something about a big block, and
>that thing sounds big - if I ever figure out how to drive it fast, I
>could easily end up sticking with it....

>>People. i know this is a wired question........ (infact dumb) but what is your
>>engine sound for GPL.

(All spelling errors are intentional and are there to show new
and improved ways of spelling old words. Grammatical errors are
due to too many English classes/teachers)

Fav Engine sound for GPL

by Ace » Tue, 04 Apr 2000 04:00:00


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