them all, the Ferrari sound is pure heaven.
"Getting hit by a meteorite is an accident...
everything else is driver-error."
"Getting hit by a meteorite is an accident...
everything else is driver-error."
Seriously though... I mostly use a mixed version of MacWun's excellent
Brabham, and a NASCAR V8 sound.
PS. If you've got a sense of humor, you can find a large portion of my
"custom" sounds on Mike Horton's F2/F3 Hotlaps page. He's been gracious
enough to host them at:
No further details provided
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> Seriously though... I mostly use a mixed version of MacWun's excellent
> Brabham, and a NASCAR V8 sound.
> Dents.
> PS. If you've got a sense of humor, you can find a large portion of my
> "custom" sounds on Mike Horton's F2/F3 Hotlaps page. He's been gracious
> enough to host them at:
> > People. i know this is a wired question........ (infact dumb) but what
> your
> > favorite
> > engine sound for GPL.
Don McCorkle
I'll stop there.
Lapping these monsters have become a real thrill :))
Sounds just awesome imho.
Ed Solheim
> >Ferrari. And I use the original. I guess I'm afraid to try the new ones
> and
> >then I will spend two days trying to put the old ones back on! :)
> >Mike Loos
> The Ferrari sound is unique, sure, but it sounds a little, well, strained
> eh? I mean, if an engine could be constipated...
Also love the song of the BRM - just something about a big block, and
that thing sounds big - if I ever figure out how to drive it fast, I
could easily end up sticking with it....
>Also love the song of the BRM - just something about a big block, and
>that thing sounds big - if I ever figure out how to drive it fast, I
>could easily end up sticking with it....
>>People. i know this is a wired question........ (infact dumb) but what is your
>>engine sound for GPL.
If Jackie Stewart couldn't drive it *that* fast, what hope do we have?