The email is immediate Sven. It does mean you have to have entered a proper
email in the previous forum though. I'm getting quite a lot of
undeliverables in from those that entered an imaginary email. The other
solution is just to register again. It doesn't require any confirmation
steps and is immediate.
> > Hi ya.
> > Just a word to let you know that we have a forum with reasonable speed
> now.
> > You have to follow the lost password proceedure to activate your account
> as
> > the old one was one-way encrypted.
> > Most posts are a bit off atm but we're working on it.
> > Hope you like the new look and performance and sorry for any hassle, but
> it
> > was needed.
> > All the best
> > Ian
> >
> How long do I have to wait for the email to arrive? I can't log in, as my
> password is "wrong", and I don't recieve any email when using the "lost
> password".
> Is there another way to log in, or am I out for good?
> --
> Mvh
> Sven