% This problem has gotten progressively worse. Began whereas occasionally when
% the game would load up, I would reach 'Practice', and my pedals would be
% inoperative. Shifters would work, but no gas. (I'm using a Thrustmaster
% SuperSport). I could reboot the system, and the problem would disappear.
% Now, the frequency of failure is greater than 50%, and I have to reboot at
% least 3-4 times before the gas pedal is recognized. The control
% configuration in the game itself looks ok, just doesn't work sometimes. None
% of my other similar applications have any problems at all, much less this.
% My first thought would be to uninstall the game and reload it, but I'm at
% the 21st race of a season, and in first place overall, so I don't want to
% lose that if I can help it.
% Any suggestions posted here would be appreciated.
If you are using the directX input for N99, you may need the most recent
drivers for the SuperSport
You may want to try Papy's generic input and see if the problem
% --
% ---------------------
% Clear skies, fairway lies, a chequered flag, and a 'mate in two'....
% ---------------------
% GO WC#'s 44,6,24
% BGN #60
% -------------------------------------
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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