Add me to the list of those having probs with N99.
System Specs:
Gateway P2-400
128 MB RAM
Creative Labs 12mb Voodoo 2
Turtle Beach Montego sound card
Win 98
Ok - the problems are when running the Windows 3dfx .exe, my sound is
screwy - cuts in and out at times, the "off-throttle" engine sound is
bizzare, and the spotter sounds like he's sucking helium. When on throttle,
say 7000 rpm and above the engine sound is almost right, and the other cars
sound decent. At the few tracks I've tried, it's butter-smooth and great
looking graphics wise.
Ok, to see if it would help the sound problem, I ran the DOS 3dfx .exe in a
Win 98 DOS box, using the Montego's SB Pro emulation, and it worked like a
charm, sounded just like good ol' N2. BUT (and there HAD to be one <g>) the
graphics get jerky in the corners, unplayably so.
Hopefully there will be a patch to fix this, my suspicion is some bad coding
overloading the PCI bus going to the soundcard and the Voodoo 2 at the same
time and screwing up the timing. Seems mainly faster systems w/ PCI
soundcards having these problems. It runs GPL (and most everything else)
really well, so was kinda surprised it had this problem with N99.
Go #43 and #44
"If I went 'round claiming I was Emperor because some
moistened bink lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away" - anonymous
volksy (at) geocities (dot) com
volksy (at) yahoo (dot) com