I posted the above here in r.a.s. back in mid February.
Well, as the bl**dy thing packed up on me earlier I thought I'd
update you.
As it says above, you cannot make swift direction changes without
running up against the internals. I have found it a problem on a
few occasions in GPL but with a 12:1 steering ratio I've generally
been able to avoid it.
However, when I have run up against it I have noticed a clicking
sound, like the nylons cogs where slipping. I'd only had this a
few times and generally it didn't seem to effect the steering.
Anyway, my eldest son came around the other day and I showed him
Super 1 Karting Simulation. This is a pretty good Kart sim but
in karting you need to make very swift direction changes. I am
a bit more subtle than my son, who uses a Non-FF wheel. Anyway
he ran up against these cogs a few times so I kicked him off it.
It was now more prevalent and anything more than slowish movement
would cause this sound. In Pre-Qual for today race it was happening
all thew time for the first half lap then all FF disappeared
completely, not even a centering spring. Now all I get is the motor
whirring and no FF.
So, basically it's bust, in less than 3 months use. While it lasted
it was a good wheel, but my suspicions about it's use with games
requiring fast steering movement has been proven. It could be that
mine was a bad example.
Anyone else out there with a Guillemot Ferrari FF wheel have similar