GPL putting Rendition tracks into works


GPL putting Rendition tracks into works

by amos-opu » Sun, 30 Apr 2000 04:00:00

A very kind soul has sent me the laguna seca track in it's rendition
version as i had trouble finding it here in holland(i now have one dos
and two windows versions, from second hand shops, so no checking with
explorer), i placed it in my ICR2 track folder, and nothing happened,
but after i renamed it to lagunahq, it ran and now i'm the proud owner
of a slightly better looking track.
so if anybody wants the UNconverted track, contact me
I'll only offer it this way, as it is unusable without a ICR2
installation (i think)



GPL putting Rendition tracks into works

by Rikanthr » Sun, 30 Apr 2000 04:00:00

o if anybody wants the UNconverted track, contact me
I'll only offer it this way, as it is unusable without a ICR2
installation (i think)]
Sure it is....... you just create a dummy directory. works great.

Rik Anthrax
it's a GPL kinda day  :)


GPL putting Rendition tracks into works

by smogbik » Sun, 30 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Howdy-ho, Sudesh,

Yes, I would like very much to acquire the Laguna Seca track in Rendition
format ... I already have the non-enhanced version in my copy of ICR2, but
since this is the only GPL track I have actually visited ... CanAm Series,
late 1960's ... I would like to see it in all it's glory ...

BTW, I am under the impression that Noonan's Converter looks for the
*.exe file to decide whether to proceed, rather than just looking for
directories, as Rikanthrax posted.

If the file size for lagunahq is larger than 500K, please send it to my

Thanks, and happy racing,
Yr friend in the aether,

> so if anybody wants the UNconverted track, contact me
> I'll only offer it this way, as it is unusable without a ICR2
> installation (i think)

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