how do player breakdowns work in Nascar 3 ?
random ? based on driving style ?
PS: i had an engine failure on Lap 79 of 81 under yellow when leading :(
- McKafre De La Rosa -
how do player breakdowns work in Nascar 3 ?
random ? based on driving style ?
PS: i had an engine failure on Lap 79 of 81 under yellow when leading :(
- McKafre De La Rosa -
>how do player breakdowns work in Nascar 3 ?
>random ? based on driving style ?
>PS: i had an engine failure on Lap 79 of 81 under yellow when leading :(
Could be worse.. could be the twit host resetting as you are coming
off the last corner for the win. That's happened 3x to me in one
night. Not to great for my first online experiance with N3 (and first
races. I don't think I have even tried single player yet).
Hydrogen and Stupidity.. The two most universal elements