Voodoo3 - 2000: Racing/Flying sims - My results, so far.

Paul Jone

Voodoo3 - 2000: Racing/Flying sims - My results, so far.

by Paul Jone » Thu, 06 May 1999 04:00:00

Nice comprehensive review.
rrevved wrote:
> There have been a lot of posts to the original thread about
> Voodoo3 - 2000 and sims, I am moving this to a new thread
> so that others can also post their results. -rrevved-

> My system - PII-333 (oc 5x75=375)
> VOODOO3 2000 16MB - PCI - Standard 144mhz clock rate.
> 128MB
> AWE64
> 19" Optiquest V95 monitor.
> TSW steering wheel

> ------------------------------

> Sections:

> -INSTALLATION (My method)

> ------------------------------


> I formerly had the same system with a Voodoo2-8MB and
> a Matrox Millenium 2.

> Some have asked why I would not have gotten the V3-3000 instead.
> At the time I bought the V3-2000, I had planned for it to be
> a stop-gap measure until the REAL bad boy CPU's etc. are released
> late this year, at which time I would give my system to my wife
> and build a new one. Since I have seen the V3 performance,
> she may not be getting my system for a while.. :)

> Also, I didn't need/want the games bundle or the TV out that
> comes with the V3-3000. The only thing that the V3-3000 could
> offer me was faster memory, which enables V3-3000 to use a higher
> clock rate. 175mhz vs 144mhz. Also the V3-3000 has a larger heat
> sink than the V3-2000 and is available ONLY in an AGP version.

> One other thing. I had heard that the V3-2000 was easily
> overclockable to 166mhz with no additional cooling, etc. I verified
> that tonight when I set the clock rate to 166 and played hours of
> different sims and games with no problem. I could detect a very
> small difference at the 166mhz rate and so I set the speed back
> to normal. Those with faster systems, ie: 300a's at 450, etc.,
> may get a bigger improvement.

> Also, I am not ready for the AGP thing and I couldn't justify the
> price for a small performance difference, soooo, I got the V3-2000.

> --------------------------


> As with anything new, I haunted the V3 newsgroup
> 3dfx.products.voodoo3 , for a couple of days looking for info about
> installation, performance, etc. While some people had good luck
> just replacing their V2 with V3 and rebooting, I preferred
> a more conservative approach.

> I did the following:

> NOTE - As always your mileage may vary. If you do this stuff,
> it is your responsibility to make it work, not mine..hehe.

> 1) I set my desktop to 640x480 16 color. Yes, 16 COLOR.

> 2) I uninstalled the Matrox and Voodoo 2 from Device Manager.

> 3) When asked to reboot, I said NO!

> 4) From REGEDIT I deleted -all- references to Matrox and 3dfx/voodoo.

> 5) In C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM, I deleted GLIDE*.* and 3DFX*.*
>     In C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM, I deleted MGA*.*  (Matrox stuff)
>    In C:\WINDOWS\INF I deleted any trace of MATROX, 3DFX, MGA and VOOODOO.

> 6) I did a FIND and deleted all instances of GLIDE*.* on my
> system.

> 7) I powered down.

> 8) I removed my Matrox and Voodoo2 cards and installed my V3-2000 ( PCI ).

> 9) I powered up and allowed plug and play to find the card.

> 10) From the V3 install CD I installed the utilities and the drivers
> for the V3. I also installed DX6.1 from the CD, since several
> files that I deleted in the earlier steps were DX files.

> I used the V3 install CD to scan my hard drive for any OpenGL games
> and it updated the OpenGL drivers automagically.

> At this point I was officially using my Voodoo3!!

> ----------------------------


> First a word on the 2D performance. I had a Matrox Millenium II prior
> to the V3. The Millenium II isn't a shabby 2D card. While I haven't
> tested the 2D performance of the V3, my 1280x1024/16 bit/85mhz refresh
> desktop looks the same as it did before. Sharp and clear. My V3 seems
> to have the same good performance as the Matrox.

> Now to the 3D..

> My main interests are flying and racing sims. Except for the occasional
> blast through another type of game, I am into sims almost exclusively.

> One of the first things I noticed in ALL sims was that they LOOKED
> better. Maybe that crossover cable from V2 was causing some
> signal loss, I don't know, but you will definitely notice the
> improvement in the appearance of 3D games.

> Note: Be sure and grab the Voodoo3 Overclock Utility from:


> It allows you to overclock (doh!) as well as adjust other things
> in your card, like 'not sync to monitor refresh', etc.)

> Also, you can set the rendering at 22 bit instead of 16 bit with
> this utility. It looks good, and only costs a miniscule amount
> in framerate. I heard reports of people in QuakeII getting
> 71fps vs 75fps, for example.

> Here are some impressions of various intensive sims that I have
> tried with Voodoo3 16MB vs. my old Voodoo2 8MB. Remember, I am
> using the standard 144mhz clock rate. There is a little more
> performance left in this thing if I were to kick it back up to 166mhz.

> - EAW - European Air War : I run it at 800x600 GLIDE since I don't
> like the cockpit view in 1024x768 etc. How does it perform?

> It never, ever slows down! That's it!

> In several big bomber intercepts, I couldn't detect -any- stuttering.
> Very, very smooth.

> WooHoo!!!

> - WWIIF - It is smoother at higher detail, blah, blah, and I can run
> 1024x768 etc., but I just don't like the sim so I uninstalled it.. :)

> - APACHE HAVOC - Little to no improvement that I could tell. This sim
> is CPU and disk speed sensitive. The V3 probably made a small
> difference, but I didn't notice..

> - FALCON 4.0 -

> I am too old and lazy to learn Falcon, because I am senile and stupid.

> I only fly it in the training missions, and an occasional blast
> through the instant action thang. I do enjoy it in screensaver
> mode, though..hehe. With the Voodoo3, you can select 640x480, 800x600
> and 1600x1200!! from the graphics options. It actually uses the
> normal cockpit in 1600x1200.

> I was using bubble of 3, and everything else maxed (sliders right)
> except for clouds off. I had the 1.06 patch.

> I tried 800x600. There was an -instant- feeling that things were better.
> Using the campaign mode as a screensaver, it was pretty damn smooth.
> -Much- smoother than with the Voodoo2 at those high graphics settings.

> Check this. I went to 1600x1200!! I used the -same- settings as before
> and started a campaign mission. LOL!!!

> Very slow frame rate on takeoff. The text for the framerate, and all
> other text, was so tiny I couldn't read it very well, but it seemed to be
> about 5 fps on the ground. In the air, though, in the screensaver mode,
> the damn thing was running mostly in the 20's in external view.

> I was -shocked- at that speed.. :)

> How much improvement in F4 when changing from V2 to V3? It's hard to
> quantify. Papa Doc's site ( )should give you
> some more objective ideas about that. I liked (loved) the difference and
> I think you will too.

> Some racing sims:

> - TOCA2 - First off, TOCA2 has no framerate counter, so these are my
> subjective opinions. Incredible w/Voodoo3 vs. the Voodoo2. Before,
> I used 800x600 and set the detail to approx 1/2 to get good
> framerate, with some slowdown in big crashes, etc. With  the Voodoo3,
> I can get the same performance at 1600x1200!!!!!!!! I found that I
> liked 1024x768, on V3, with full detail. It is LIQUID at that point
> with no perceptible slowdown ever, even in replay mode.

> - GPL - I don't race GPL, I hotlap. I used to do it at 800x600, now
> I can get the same results with the framerate needle  pegged (37fps)
> at 1024 x 768, on all tracks. I tried 1600x1200, etc., because it was
> cool, but I liked the smoothness at 1024x768. If you want to
> experience the higher resolutions in GPL with a V3 card, you MUST have
> this fix:


> Unzip the stuff into your gpl folder and execute GPL with
> this .bat file:

> rem --------------------
> rem --------------------

> Of course you also -must- have my mindblowing GPL soundpack <vbg>.


> -NASCAR 1999 - Before, I could run very smooth with 12 cars
> ahead and 4 behind with some details off. Now, its balls to
> the wall with ALL 39 cars in front/ 4 behind and the details
> cranked.

> Be aware that for Nascar 1999 to work with V3, you need to
> do this, with a .BAT file:

> nr19993d.exe -3dfx

> These are all the sims I have tried so far with V3. After I
> quit driving and flying these, I may have time to report on
> something else.. :)

> -----------------------------------


> Note: Someone else will have to tell us the difference vs V2-SLI.
> I am only reporting my results vs. my V2 single.

> Here is my bottom line:

> If you have a SINGLE VoodooII, and race/fly polygon intensive sims,
> it is a NO-BRAINER to grab one of these beauties.

> It's $105 at various internet sites. Mine was $129 off the shelf
> at Walden Software. Hell, I heard that even Wal-Mart had them, but
> I can't verify that.


> AND it is available. Just think of it. No more review sites telling
> you how it doesn't compare to the future performance of blah, blah.
> Just a warm feeling of BLAZING speed and great graphics, for a
> tick over $100.

> It is a very nice card!

> Back to my ( F-A-S-T ) sims......

> --
> // rrevved posts from mindspring dot com

Tim Elhaj

Voodoo3 - 2000: Racing/Flying sims - My results, so far.

by Tim Elhaj » Thu, 06 May 1999 04:00:00

Thanks for the update! I may go get mine sometime this week. --Tim

David Blackma

Voodoo3 - 2000: Racing/Flying sims - My results, so far.

by David Blackma » Fri, 07 May 1999 04:00:00

First, very enthusiastic and accurate post.  Second, thanks, I went out and
upgraded my v2 to v3 2000 and it's pure heaven.  It makes me want to cancel
my order for the TNT2 Ultra but I've got 2 machines and this will keep both
rocking into the future.


Graham Hawkin

Voodoo3 - 2000: Racing/Flying sims - My results, so far.

by Graham Hawkin » Fri, 07 May 1999 04:00:00

Please tell me what card / chip is best Voodoo 3 or TNT 2.

Please give some prices as well.

Jarrod Smit

Voodoo3 - 2000: Racing/Flying sims - My results, so far.

by Jarrod Smit » Fri, 07 May 1999 04:00:00

>Note: Someone else will have to tell us the difference vs V2-SLI.
>I am only reporting my results vs. my V2 single.

I just did this upgrade (V2 SLI to V3 2000) yesterday.  I'm running a
Celeron 450a 128MB system.  I was just now reading your reviews and
thinking, "yep.  That's exactly right" at every point you made.  This card
rocks for sims.  Frankly, upgrading my single Voodoo2 to SLI never really
added much to the simming experience for me.  This card is a different

Same goes for SLI.  I was NOT expecting a big boost in framerates, etc.  But
the card is smoother in F4.  I haven't measured it, but I can now run at
1024x768 and it is GLASS SMOOTH during single missions (haven't gotten into
campaign mode at all yet).  SLI could do 1024 OK, but not as smoothly.  Not
sure what the difference is here.  The fillrate is about the same, but
something with the V3 architecture just works better in this sim.  Maybe
it's the improved triangle rate?  Dunno, but all I can say is that now I
can't wait for the 1024x768***pit art to come out.

IMAGE QUALITY IS AWESOME.  I had some minor troubles with my SLI image
quality (grainyness, or "screen effect" at high resolutions, passthrough
fuzzies).  The new card is DROP DEAD GORGEOUS.  The 32bit vs. 16bit wars are
completely ridiculous to me now after owning this card.  Stunning and
unexpected improvement over my SLI rig.

Yes!  It's amazing, isn't it?  Mine overclocks to 166 MHz with no extra
cooling, too.  To top it all off, I managed to sell my SLI rig and break
even on this upgrade.  What a deal!

Jarrod Smith, Ph.D.
The Scripps Research Institute

Mark C Dod

Voodoo3 - 2000: Racing/Flying sims - My results, so far.

by Mark C Dod » Sat, 08 May 1999 04:00:00

Voodoo 3 is faster on slower CPU's as long as you buy a 3000 or 3500 and
compare it to the TNT 2 Ultra at about 175MHz. However the extra FPS are
a bit of a waste. Who cares if you get 110FPS instead of 90FPS out of a

As for graphics quality, there is no comparison! TNT has always had
nicer looking graphics than Voodoo 2 and this is the case with TNT 2 and
Voodoo 3.

More games will support the advanced features of the TNT 2 chipset that
simply don't exist in the Voodoo 3 design.

However, today at right this  minute the Voodoo 3 had the distinct
advantage of Glide support.

Me, I would but a good TNT 2 Ultra that is guaranteed at 183MHz or there

> Please tell me what card / chip is best Voodoo 3 or TNT 2.

> Please give some prices as well.

Mark C Dod

Voodoo3 - 2000: Racing/Flying sims - My results, so far.

by Mark C Dod » Sun, 09 May 1999 04:00:00

Oooh, another one of the Voodoo 3 is god type of people. I happen to test quite a few
video cards so I don't need to quote URL's to support what I say.

At the moments I have a TNT 2 Ultra which I have been running for a fortnight. over
the last few months I have tried several Voodoo 3's

The facts are, as you will find on any site that had tested both, that the picture
quality of the TNT and TNT 2 is visibly superior than the Voodoo 3. Not opinion but
fact. But since "I" was expressing an personal opinion, whatever you say doesn't
nullify what I have seen with my own eyes. The difference between the Voodoo 3 and
Voodoo 2 visuals is almost none existent. Perhaps you cleaned your galsses before
looking at the Voodoo 3?

As for frame rate. Once again I say that if you are getting over 30FPS who cares what
the max is? Of course it is important to sim players but really, its a bit like having
a 300KMH road car when the usable speed limit is 100KMH. When both cards go through
Dirext X the frame rates are so close it doesn't matter.

As for advanced features. I said just about every future game will support TNT's
advanced features and they will. Voodoo 3 can't do 32 bit colour. Voodoo 3 can't
support the larger texture sizes of the TNT 2. Both of these wll be important on any
future game. TNT 2 is much more future proof. As RiVa3d said,

"Here we can see the strengths and weaknesses in both cards. While the TNT-2 scores
(even 32 bit!) are higher where final scores are concerned, the V3 shows its sheer
power in multitexturing and 8 meg or less textures, but the fact that the V3 does not
support 2x AGP is glaringly obvious in the 16 and 32 MB texturing. As more games hit
the market with 32 bit color and larger textures, gamers who choose the V3 will
definitely feel it. But what about visuals? Is there really that much of a difference
between the V3 and TNT-2? I think you'll see some things that will surprise you."

As for Diamond etc decreasing the clock speed. Where did you get that load of rot
from? nVidia have left the card manufacturers to supply their TNT 2 Ultra cards at
whatever clock speed they are happy to warranty it for. 183MHz and 200MHz cards will
be in abundance.

For those who want URL's to do their own research try Voodoo Exrteme, Rivazone, Tom's
Hardware Page, Sharky Extreme and just about any other full on hardware review pages.
Like me they deal in facts, not unsubstantiated rhetoric.

P.S. Since I have both Voodoo, Voodoo 2's and TNT cards in my games machines I am not
biased by the horrible feeling I have brought a lemon and need to defend it by
attacking anybody with a differing opinion.

> On Fri, 07 May 1999 22:37:03 +1000,

> >Voodoo 3 is faster on slower CPU's as long as you buy a 3000 or 3500 and
> >compare it to the TNT 2 Ultra at about 175MHz.

> There is no difference between the V3-2000 and V3-3000 speed, at the
> same clock rate. I noticed you omitted it from the discussion, so I thought
> I would mention it.

> V3-2000 costs $105, FWIW.

> >However the extra FPS are
> >a bit of a waste. Who cares if you get 110FPS instead of 90FPS out of a
> >game?

> Framerate is VERY important in the 'games' we play here in the
> flight sim / racing sim newsgroups.

> Actually, it is the MOST important thing.

> We don't have a lot of time to analyze the scenery.

> >As for graphics quality, there is no comparison! TNT has always had
> >nicer looking graphics than Voodoo 2 and this is the case with TNT 2 and
> >Voodoo 3.

> LOL!!!! I guess you haven't seen the image quality on V3.
> One more clue, for you: It is FAR superior to V2 or V2-SLI.

> >More games will support the advanced features of the TNT 2 chipset that
> >simply don't exist in the Voodoo 3 design.

> What games support these 'advanced TNT2 features'?
> Please list them below:

> 1)
> 2)
> 3)
> 4)

> >However, today at right this  minute the Voodoo 3 had the distinct
> >advantage of Glide support.

> Yep. Glide is the fastest API on the earth and it is an _exclusive_
> feature of 3DFX cards.

> >Me, I would but a good TNT 2 Ultra that is guaranteed at 183MHz or there
> >abouts.

> When can you buy one of those Ultras? I'm just curious.

> Diamond, et al, are already **decreasing** the MHZ rate of the TNT2 cards
> they are shipping. You seen really confident that all this will change with Ultra.
> What makes you certain of the sustainable, **supported** clock speed on an Ultra?
> Give us a URL. Cite, please....

> >> Please tell me what card / chip is best Voodoo 3 or TNT 2.

> >> Please give some prices as well.

> $105 - for a Voodoo3 2000.

> --
> // rrevved posts from mindspring dot com

Andrew MacPhers

Voodoo3 - 2000: Racing/Flying sims - My results, so far.

by Andrew MacPhers » Sun, 09 May 1999 04:00:00

Oh no, it's back again! Aarrrrggghhhh.

Andrew "I'll have as many fps as possible, you may prefer 3" McP

Steven Able

Voodoo3 - 2000: Racing/Flying sims - My results, so far.

by Steven Able » Sun, 09 May 1999 04:00:00

> The difference between the Voodoo 3 and
> Voodoo 2 visuals is almost none existent.

Your outta your mind.....maybe you need to upgrade your monitor. I upgraded from a TNT and
V2 sli and the TNT graphics were MUCH better than my V2. The V3 graphics are as good as my
TNT and the colors are richer with the V3 than with the TNT. Then again, I have a high
dollar monitor so that may be the difference in our set-ups. Just my thoughts : )



Voodoo3 - 2000: Racing/Flying sims - My results, so far.

by Tilu » Mon, 10 May 1999 04:00:00

The difference between the Voodoo 3 and

The lack of pass trough cable alone make it look 10 times better, and the
high quality filter is almost perfect.

30fps is just NOT enough !
We need 1280x960 and 50+ fps, and thats what V3 gives to us !
TNT2, specially the Ultra is a fine card, but not out yet, and it costs
twice as much as a V3, amd V3 IS faster...

Yep, you right there.

Mark C Dod

Voodoo3 - 2000: Racing/Flying sims - My results, so far.

by Mark C Dod » Mon, 10 May 1999 04:00:00

I use the latest Sony 21" Trinitron so I don't think so. However, I have noticed a big
difference in colour levels from different cards. This still doesn't change the fact that
pixel for pixel the TNT and TNT 2 graphics are superior to the Voodoo series, including V3. I
am yet to see a head to head comparison that does't highlight this fact. All of the bechmarks
posted this week (since the release of the 1.73 TNT drivers) show the performance gap to be
very little. In fact the TNT 2 runs many of the benchmarks I have run at 32 bits within a few
FPS of the Voodoo 3000 at 16 bit.

> > The difference between the Voodoo 3 and
> > Voodoo 2 visuals is almost none existent.

> Your outta your mind.....maybe you need to upgrade your monitor. I upgraded from a TNT and
> V2 sli and the TNT graphics were MUCH better than my V2. The V3 graphics are as good as my
> TNT and the colors are richer with the V3 than with the TNT. Then again, I have a high
> dollar monitor so that may be the difference in our set-ups. Just my thoughts : )

> Steven

Mark C Dod

Voodoo3 - 2000: Racing/Flying sims - My results, so far.

by Mark C Dod » Mon, 10 May 1999 04:00:00

I give up. From now on I will only reply to those people who can supply at least
one URL with a head to head test that supports their comments about TNT 2 vs
Voodoo 3.

> The difference between the Voodoo 3 and
> > Voodoo 2 visuals is almost none existent.

> The lack of pass trough cable alone make it look 10 times better, and the
> high quality filter is almost perfect.

> > As for frame rate. Once again I say that if you are getting over 30FPS who
> cares what
> > the max is? Of course it is important to sim players but really, its a bit
> like having
> > a 300KMH road car when the usable speed limit is 100KMH. When both cards
> go through
> > Dirext X the frame rates are so close it doesn't matter.

> 30fps is just NOT enough !
> We need 1280x960 and 50+ fps, and thats what V3 gives to us !
> TNT2, specially the Ultra is a fine card, but not out yet, and it costs
> twice as much as a V3, amd V3 IS faster...

> > As for advanced features. I said just about every future game will support
> TNT's
> > advanced features and they will. Voodoo 3 can't do 32 bit colour. Voodoo 3
> can't
> > support the larger texture sizes of the TNT 2. Both of these wll be
> important on any
> > future game. TNT 2 is much more future proof. As RiVa3d said,

> Yep, you right there.

Steven Dickso

Voodoo3 - 2000: Racing/Flying sims - My results, so far.

by Steven Dickso » Mon, 10 May 1999 04:00:00


All?  Here's one that shows the V3 outperforming an _overclocked_ TNT2Ultra


Voodoo3 - 2000: Racing/Flying sims - My results, so far.

by J » Tue, 11 May 1999 04:00:00

Thanks for this review - great.


>There have been a lot of posts to the original thread about



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