> There have been a lot of posts to the original thread about
> Voodoo3 - 2000 and sims, I am moving this to a new thread
> so that others can also post their results. -rrevved-
> My system - PII-333 (oc 5x75=375)
> VOODOO3 2000 16MB - PCI - Standard 144mhz clock rate.
> 128MB
> AWE64
> 19" Optiquest V95 monitor.
> TSW steering wheel
> ------------------------------
> Sections:
> -INSTALLATION (My method)
> ------------------------------
> I formerly had the same system with a Voodoo2-8MB and
> a Matrox Millenium 2.
> Some have asked why I would not have gotten the V3-3000 instead.
> At the time I bought the V3-2000, I had planned for it to be
> a stop-gap measure until the REAL bad boy CPU's etc. are released
> late this year, at which time I would give my system to my wife
> and build a new one. Since I have seen the V3 performance,
> she may not be getting my system for a while.. :)
> Also, I didn't need/want the games bundle or the TV out that
> comes with the V3-3000. The only thing that the V3-3000 could
> offer me was faster memory, which enables V3-3000 to use a higher
> clock rate. 175mhz vs 144mhz. Also the V3-3000 has a larger heat
> sink than the V3-2000 and is available ONLY in an AGP version.
> One other thing. I had heard that the V3-2000 was easily
> overclockable to 166mhz with no additional cooling, etc. I verified
> that tonight when I set the clock rate to 166 and played hours of
> different sims and games with no problem. I could detect a very
> small difference at the 166mhz rate and so I set the speed back
> to normal. Those with faster systems, ie: 300a's at 450, etc.,
> may get a bigger improvement.
> Also, I am not ready for the AGP thing and I couldn't justify the
> price for a small performance difference, soooo, I got the V3-2000.
> --------------------------
> As with anything new, I haunted the V3 newsgroup
> 3dfx.products.voodoo3 , for a couple of days looking for info about
> installation, performance, etc. While some people had good luck
> just replacing their V2 with V3 and rebooting, I preferred
> a more conservative approach.
> I did the following:
> NOTE - As always your mileage may vary. If you do this stuff,
> it is your responsibility to make it work, not mine..hehe.
> 1) I set my desktop to 640x480 16 color. Yes, 16 COLOR.
> 2) I uninstalled the Matrox and Voodoo 2 from Device Manager.
> 3) When asked to reboot, I said NO!
> 4) From REGEDIT I deleted -all- references to Matrox and 3dfx/voodoo.
> 5) In C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM, I deleted GLIDE*.* and 3DFX*.*
> In C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM, I deleted MGA*.* (Matrox stuff)
> In C:\WINDOWS\INF I deleted any trace of MATROX, 3DFX, MGA and VOOODOO.
> 6) I did a FIND and deleted all instances of GLIDE*.* on my
> system.
> 7) I powered down.
> 8) I removed my Matrox and Voodoo2 cards and installed my V3-2000 ( PCI ).
> 9) I powered up and allowed plug and play to find the card.
> 10) From the V3 install CD I installed the utilities and the drivers
> for the V3. I also installed DX6.1 from the CD, since several
> files that I deleted in the earlier steps were DX files.
> I used the V3 install CD to scan my hard drive for any OpenGL games
> and it updated the OpenGL drivers automagically.
> At this point I was officially using my Voodoo3!!
> ----------------------------
> First a word on the 2D performance. I had a Matrox Millenium II prior
> to the V3. The Millenium II isn't a shabby 2D card. While I haven't
> tested the 2D performance of the V3, my 1280x1024/16 bit/85mhz refresh
> desktop looks the same as it did before. Sharp and clear. My V3 seems
> to have the same good performance as the Matrox.
> Now to the 3D..
> My main interests are flying and racing sims. Except for the occasional
> blast through another type of game, I am into sims almost exclusively.
> One of the first things I noticed in ALL sims was that they LOOKED
> better. Maybe that crossover cable from V2 was causing some
> signal loss, I don't know, but you will definitely notice the
> improvement in the appearance of 3D games.
> Note: Be sure and grab the Voodoo3 Overclock Utility from:
> It allows you to overclock (doh!) as well as adjust other things
> in your card, like 'not sync to monitor refresh', etc.)
> Also, you can set the rendering at 22 bit instead of 16 bit with
> this utility. It looks good, and only costs a miniscule amount
> in framerate. I heard reports of people in QuakeII getting
> 71fps vs 75fps, for example.
> Here are some impressions of various intensive sims that I have
> tried with Voodoo3 16MB vs. my old Voodoo2 8MB. Remember, I am
> using the standard 144mhz clock rate. There is a little more
> performance left in this thing if I were to kick it back up to 166mhz.
> - EAW - European Air War : I run it at 800x600 GLIDE since I don't
> like the cockpit view in 1024x768 etc. How does it perform?
> It never, ever slows down! That's it!
> In several big bomber intercepts, I couldn't detect -any- stuttering.
> Very, very smooth.
> WooHoo!!!
> - WWIIF - It is smoother at higher detail, blah, blah, and I can run
> 1024x768 etc., but I just don't like the sim so I uninstalled it.. :)
> - APACHE HAVOC - Little to no improvement that I could tell. This sim
> is CPU and disk speed sensitive. The V3 probably made a small
> difference, but I didn't notice..
> - FALCON 4.0 -
> I am too old and lazy to learn Falcon, because I am senile and stupid.
> I only fly it in the training missions, and an occasional blast
> through the instant action thang. I do enjoy it in screensaver
> mode, though..hehe. With the Voodoo3, you can select 640x480, 800x600
> and 1600x1200!! from the graphics options. It actually uses the
> normal cockpit in 1600x1200.
> I was using bubble of 3, and everything else maxed (sliders right)
> except for clouds off. I had the 1.06 patch.
> I tried 800x600. There was an -instant- feeling that things were better.
> Using the campaign mode as a screensaver, it was pretty damn smooth.
> -Much- smoother than with the Voodoo2 at those high graphics settings.
> Check this. I went to 1600x1200!! I used the -same- settings as before
> and started a campaign mission. LOL!!!
> Very slow frame rate on takeoff. The text for the framerate, and all
> other text, was so tiny I couldn't read it very well, but it seemed to be
> about 5 fps on the ground. In the air, though, in the screensaver mode,
> the damn thing was running mostly in the 20's in external view.
> I was -shocked- at that speed.. :)
> How much improvement in F4 when changing from V2 to V3? It's hard to
> quantify. Papa Doc's site ( )should give you
> some more objective ideas about that. I liked (loved) the difference and
> I think you will too.
> Some racing sims:
> - TOCA2 - First off, TOCA2 has no framerate counter, so these are my
> subjective opinions. Incredible w/Voodoo3 vs. the Voodoo2. Before,
> I used 800x600 and set the detail to approx 1/2 to get good
> framerate, with some slowdown in big crashes, etc. With the Voodoo3,
> I can get the same performance at 1600x1200!!!!!!!! I found that I
> liked 1024x768, on V3, with full detail. It is LIQUID at that point
> with no perceptible slowdown ever, even in replay mode.
> - GPL - I don't race GPL, I hotlap. I used to do it at 800x600, now
> I can get the same results with the framerate needle pegged (37fps)
> at 1024 x 768, on all tracks. I tried 1600x1200, etc., because it was
> cool, but I liked the smoothness at 1024x768. If you want to
> experience the higher resolutions in GPL with a V3 card, you MUST have
> this fix:
> Unzip the stuff into your gpl folder and execute GPL with
> this .bat file:
> rem --------------------
> rem --------------------
> Of course you also -must- have my mindblowing GPL soundpack <vbg>.
> -NASCAR 1999 - Before, I could run very smooth with 12 cars
> ahead and 4 behind with some details off. Now, its balls to
> the wall with ALL 39 cars in front/ 4 behind and the details
> cranked.
> Be aware that for Nascar 1999 to work with V3, you need to
> do this, with a .BAT file:
> nr19993d.exe -3dfx
> These are all the sims I have tried so far with V3. After I
> quit driving and flying these, I may have time to report on
> something else.. :)
> -----------------------------------
> Note: Someone else will have to tell us the difference vs V2-SLI.
> I am only reporting my results vs. my V2 single.
> Here is my bottom line:
> If you have a SINGLE VoodooII, and race/fly polygon intensive sims,
> it is a NO-BRAINER to grab one of these beauties.
> It's $105 at various internet sites. Mine was $129 off the shelf
> at Walden Software. Hell, I heard that even Wal-Mart had them, but
> I can't verify that.
> AND it is available. Just think of it. No more review sites telling
> you how it doesn't compare to the future performance of blah, blah.
> Just a warm feeling of BLAZING speed and great graphics, for a
> tick over $100.
> It is a very nice card!
> Back to my ( F-A-S-T ) sims......
> --
> // rrevved posts from mindspring dot com