Nintendo has figured out that they can not compete with Sony and
Microsoft in the traditional games market and are looking for
alternative, less competitive markets. Which leaves them the handheld
market (for now). Everything they are doing and plan on in the short
term revolve around the handheld. Their WiFi network is all about
mobile products. Even their next gen console is rumoured to be nothing
more than an extension of their mobile products. So no, Nintendo is
not developing the "best online technology". They're developing
something new, something different and hoping it catches on with the
kids. The market is ready for online play, but Nintendo doesn't see
their future online.
Whether it makes economic sense to include online play is another
question. I don't think it's necessarily true for all games, but I do
believe that at this point in time, it is very important to include it
in flagship titles. Titles that are traditionally system sellers and
titles that can expand the online market. An online component is huge
for sports and role playing games.