Zack.....this is my current box o' junk.....Pent233mmx, 64Meg ram, SB
Live soundcard, and a Voodoo3 3000 AGP videocard.
The game runs fine! The game defaulted with all the options turned on,
and I haven't noticed any slowdowns, or glitches....this is at 800x600
From reading some of the "advice" here in rec.auto.sim you would think
you need a Pentium9 4000 and 784 meg of ram just to use the
Hope this helps........
I forgot about the processor question....depends on your motherboard. I
have an ASUS P5-5ab that is a Super7 board. According to ASUS' webpage, this
board will support up to an AMD k-6 3-500. It's nice to know my MB has some
life it in yet...hope THIS helps......