>> Is it just me, or has Monaco suddenly become drivable with GPL
>It could be because of this :
>Previously, we stated that Papyrus did not make any changes to the
>in GPL 1.1. We were wrong.
>We have learned that Papyrus did make two very subtle changes to the
>physics, in addition to the changes we previously discussed. Here is
a list
>of all of the changes impacting car control and behavior of which we
>aware. We are assured that this is a complete list:
>Ride height. Papyrus changed the minimum ride height from 1.0 to 2.5
>Depending on your driving style and the setups you are using, running
at 2.5
>inches can make the cars seem either harder to drive or easier to
>Steering response. Papyrus made a small change to the steering to
>behavior with Force Feedback. Some drivers experience this as a
>softer steering response, while others notice no difference at all.
>adjustments can be used to offset the impact of this change.
>Tire calculation. Papyrus changed one calculation relating to the
>responsiveness of the tires. This is not a change in overall grip,
and it is
>not intended to make the cars easier or more difficult to drive. Its
>intent is to make the tire behavior more closely approximate the
behavior of
>tires in the real world.
>GPL 1.0 very slightly exaggerated the reduction in available lateral
>which occurs when longitudinal forces are applied through braking or
>acceleration. GPL 1.1's calculation more closely matches real world
>behavior, although the difference between GPL 1.0 and 1.1 is very
>Spring/damper interaction. Papyrus made a small change to the
>between the springs and dampers. This change makes the GPL cars'
>characteristics more closely approximate the behavior of real cars.
The net
>effect is a very small reduction in damping.
>At this time, it is expected that the last three changes will also be
>in future Papyrus sims based on the GPL physics model.
>From http://www.vroc.net/
Hmmmm. As small as they are, those last 3 are STILL fundamental
physics changes IMHO.
Now, if these changes are really there to make it closer to a real
car, then I'm all for them.
However, if 'closer to real' is actually a cover for 'make it easier
to improve mass market appeal to make more cash', then I'm frankly
I'm sure Papy did do it for reality, but please, Randy, Eric, anyone
else at Papy, please tell me it isn't for the latter.
Gavin Thomas
C%p Website ;) - www.sharknose.freeserve.co.uk
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