It works! Well anyways, this is what I did.
1. Go into Windows Explorer
2. Scroll down to Dial-Up Netowrking
3. Click on "Make New Connection"
4. Name it *** Connection
5. At the bottam, you'll se your modem, click on "Configure"
6. Lower the maximum speed. I can't get mine to 28800, so I had to settle
for 19200
7. Go to the connection tab and then click "Port Settings" and uncheck the
FIFO Buffer
8. Click on "Adavanced" and uncheck error control and and flow control
9. Exit that, and click next and follow the intructions on the screen :)
BTW, I did 2 races yesterday and finished on VROC! :)
> Michael
> How would I force my modem to connect at 28800 and have it not retrain?
> benefits might this give?
> Cheers
> Steve
> >On Sat, 13 May 2000 13:53:07 -0400 Alex Kihurani
> >% I don't know why, but I can NEVER finish an online race in GPL. It's
> >% because I suck, but I almost always get disconnected from the server.
> >% says "GPL Throughput has dropped to an unacceptable level" Therefore,
> I've
> >% finished 1 GPL race in my life.Is it because Im using a 56k modem? when
> >% have ADSL service on the 26th will I still experience this? (BTw, my
> >% modem is torturing me on the wall :) )
> >Almost sounds as if your modem has disconnected you from you ISP or visa
> >versa.... It also possible that your modem has taken a break and is
> >attempting re-negotiate connection speeds....
> >Check Alison's (Eagle Woman) GPL Online FAQ for details on setting up
> >modem and DUN. You may also want to force your modem to connect at
> >28000 and have it not retrain.
> >% In NFS: PU, the servers don't show up anymore. Friday night everything
> was
> >% perfect, now it won't contact the servers. It's really annoying and I'd
> like
> >% to play.
> >% Thanks,
> >% Alex
> >--
> >**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
> > Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
> >=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=<[ /./. [- < ]>=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=