>Have we really just been so lucky all these years, and should be ever so
>grateful to the powers that be, or do the Europeans have even more of a
>right to *** for getting Ripped Off by Big Oil worse than we are? :-)
right to *** about being ripped off by GOVERNMENT more than we are. Our
current administration is more to blame for gas prices than anyone.
1) All domestic oil exploration has been banned since '92, the result being
that we are more dependant on imported oil than ever before. Were we to use
the oil we have, OPEC would be finished.
2) A tax of 4.6 cents per gallon was added in '93 for budget deficit reduction.
There is now a huge budget surplus, but we still pay. To be fair, the
Republican controlled Congress considered and rejected repealing this, so
they're just as bad.
3) The EPA is conducting a test of the latest gas additive in the Midwest right
now. The gas companies say the additive adds 50 cents to the price of gas.
The people of the Midwest are screaming for government to look into the soaring
price of gas in their region only. Duh The old additive cost 10 cents per
gallon, reduced gas mileage, did nothing to reduce emissions on cars with
feedback fuel injection (the vast majority), created noxious fumes affecting
some sensitive people, and has now been found to be poisoning water supplies.
Well done, EPA.
Adjusted for inflation, gas prices in most of the US are at the same level they
were in 1980, lower than they were in the mid '70s. SUV sales and total gas
usage are higher than ever. Despite the facts, you get mad at the oil
companies? Let me guess, you also think that "Big Tobacco" is to blame for the
fact that I choose to smoke. Also the gun manufacturers are at fault because
with 50 million gun owners, a very small number of repeat felons commit half a
million *** crimes a year. I guess it is a matter of how you view it.
Don McCorkle