If you are running a Rendition card, get the latest reference drivers
from the Rendition site (www.rendition.com). The draw-ahead is broken
in some earlier drivers and renders the clipping adjustment ineffectual.
>>I have purchased CPR recently and I can't get rid of an irritating
>>translucent area that sits about 100 feet in front of my car and follows
>>me all around the track. It's like the track just dissappears to
>>nothing including all the graphics on the sides like the fences and
>>buildings. I have tried using the clipping adjustments but that has
>>absolutely no effect for me. This translucent area makes it very
>>difficult to drive the oval tracks. Does anyone how to get rid of this
>>translucent area?
>Are you referring to the very close default "draw ahead?" The FAQ says
>something about using ALT-H to increase the draw ahead distance, but I
>don't know if it works because I returned the sim (first time I've
>ever returned s/w). Good luck finding the answer.
>"Dead Meat"
Eagle Woman
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