This months PC gamer carries an indepth review of GP2 (so if you want to
know more buy it), however I will say this:
The min spec is DX2/66 with 8Mb of RAM for VGA and a P90 with 16Mb for
SVGA. The review says that the SVGA is smooth (although I don't know how
smooth - they didn't say much, all they said was P90 SVGA 25FPS), and that
there is alot of detail in it (we knew this already).
The review was very vague in some areas, so it wouldn't surprise me if
they were reviewing a Beta version and made some parts of it up (ala
First Encounters), although the review did carry some pictures which I
had not seen before (eg. the helmet view of Damon Hill).
The reviewer gave it 95/100 which is quite good I suppose. Anyway... if
you're in the UK, and you want to know alittle more about GP2, buy PC
Gamer magazine (It has a GP2 type picture on the cover and the review
starts on page 60'ish)
Ray Ko
Information Technology Dept, University of Portsmouth (UK)
(Valid until August 1996)
(Until August 1996.. or it could be on the move)
"You know what... when the world turns its back on you.. you turn
your back on the world" - The Lion King
(37 Po48Dg == No don't do it.. its more hassle than its worth)