I've tried evrything.
Here's the situation:
I have been playing GPL for a year with this set which consist of
Motherboard Asus 440BX, P3 B-F, PIII 500 MHz, SBLive value, Maxi Gamer
Xentor 32 TNTN2 Ultra, detonator 3.53. MSFFWheel. Framerate has been
constantly normal ie. 36 fps. Everything has been great.
Then suddenly:
GPL wouldn't start normally, took almost a minute to open OR after clicking
.exe file, there would be a series of GPL's opening one after an other. I
waited and then evrything was OK.
I tried to install a LAN card. Wouldn't work.
Neither wouldn't SB live value. Had to re-install SB. OK again.
BUT, and that is a big but.
After this I re-installed WIN 98 by running setup from installion disk.
Re-installed GPL. Re installed OPEN GL patch no 2, GPL 1.1 patch and 1.2
patch, both right versions.
And everything works fine in software mode, I get 20 fps. BUT BUT BUT, when
I switch back to OPEN GL, game freezees, but still functioning, I get only
3,6 yes 3 point 6 frames per second, and the game takes ages to start.
And I have tried to:
1) re-install game, NO Effect
2) re-install different detonators and display drives multiple times, and by
the book ; NO Effect
3) run set up from WIN 98 disk, NO effect
4) Checked all the possible files, app.ini, core.ini etc, No effect
5) Re-installed to different hard disks, NO effect
6) Re-install TNT2 card; NO effect
7) Run Open GL setup from net, NO effect
8) Tried to tweak OPEN GL setting, NO effect
9) Deleted all the Nvidia files and Maxi Gamer files from Registry and
remove all the Nvidia drives from "Add/rEMOVE" AND THEN RE-INSTALLED
Everything other game works just fine, all the D3D games for example MGPRS 2
runs like a heaven with 1024 x768 resolution and Colin McRae with 800X600.
Niema problema, but this *^*^ GPL.
So what could I do??
1) Is there something wrong with game files in CD?
2) Something wrong with my computer which only appears when running GPL in
OPEN GL mode?
3) Millenium Bug?
4) CIA?
5) Me just losin' it totally?
"They are coming to take me away ha haa hi hii"
Asko Kallonen
Helsinki Rock City