Here's the way:
1. Change NUMTIRES (please elaborate on what these lines' titles are
really) in DRIVERS2.txt to whatever number you want, add the tire brand,
and create the tire logos with a MIP editor.
2. Change NUMCHASIS or NUMCHASS (whatever it is) to 4 or whatever, then
add the chasis brand (e.g. Swift, Eagle).
3. Change NUMENGINES or whatever it is to 4 or how many you want, and add
the engines (e.g. Toyota).
4. Edit the info with 2 being the third option, 3 being the fourth option,
4 being the fifth option and so on.
6. Make Drivers2.txt read only and now ICR2 can't change it back to the
original chasis/tire/engine combo!! So now you can drive a Swift like
Mikey, make the 97 PPG car sets more accurate, try to impersonate P.J. in
a Toyota-Eagle, or try Dunlop tires.
Note: Since Drivers2.txt is read-only you have to make it writable before
editing it and read-only after.
Another Note: To those with 1997 PPG CART carsets, like D. Pruzin, Earl
Ma, or Michael Carver, this is a useful utility!!
P.S. The Read-only was not discovered by me, but by Marcelo Bassino who
first used it to make sure his IRL carset did not revert to the CART95
#1 Castrol GTP