Why does Bush go on vacation during war?

alex martin

Why does Bush go on vacation during war?

by alex martin » Sat, 09 Apr 2005 07:06:03

Perhaps; but I have a bit of an attitude when it comes to people saying I
talk rubbish - I responded in kind. But I'll be sure to bring it up with my
therapist - must be some deep rooted antipathy to condescension ;-)

Byron Forbe

Why does Bush go on vacation during war?

by Byron Forbe » Sat, 09 Apr 2005 09:12:13

>> > Yeah, that sure has worked out well for us...

>> > -Larry

>> > >I agree with the fact that oil flow has
>> >> to be secure in the region, but, according to the Bush Administration,
>> >> that was not America's reason for entering the war.

>> Normally I don't top post, so I won't do it this time.

>> But that's the whole point, see.  It didn't work out as planned, so far.

>> Alanb

> LOL.

> Nothing that lying idiot has done in Iraq has worked out as planned.

    I think it's all turned out as planned ie in the eyes of the substantial
part of U.S. voters that are regularly seen at WWF events (and doesn't it
just make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside knowing they do indeed get to
vote), GWB kicks arrrrrrrrrssssssssssssssssse baby! Even though it's not Bin
Laden's arse it's still someones arse and that's all that counts!

    Oil? WMD? Bring freedom to the Iraqi people? This is simply the bullshit
you need to say when you realise that saying "hey, we can't find Osama so
we'll just kick Iraqus butt" isn't going to sound too good.

    I really love the "we're doing the Iraqis a big favour" mentality coming
from those that were depriving the entire nation of food and medicine back
in the 90s which ***ed pretty much everyone except the alleged intended
target - gutless and wreckless. The whole thing is just too pitiful.

Byron Forbe

Why does Bush go on vacation during war?

by Byron Forbe » Sat, 09 Apr 2005 09:48:03

    Yes, let's replace 1 ***ed up government/culture with another - at
least western culture is gift wrapped I suppose.

    Lets let time show us what the hundreds of tons of "depleted" uranium
lying around all over the joint does for the good of the Iraqis? Or the
entire region for that matter. Life might be a Mad Max movie soon :)

alex martin

Why does Bush go on vacation during war?

by alex martin » Sat, 09 Apr 2005 12:25:53

Q: How many Bush Administration officials does it take
to***in a light bulb?

A: None. There is nothing wrong with the light bulb;
its conditions are improving every day. Any reports of
its lack of incandescence are a delusional spin from
the liberal media. That light bulb has served
honorably, and anything you say undermines the
lighting effect. Why do you hate freedom?

> All the activist have is "SEE, NO WMD SO NOTHING ELSE MATTERS".   No WMD
> is such a typical and very sad politically motivated excuse for blinding
> yourself to everything good that has happened in Iraq.  Do you realize
> this nonsense makes everything else you do look similarly marginal?

> So Iraq didnt have WMD at the time we invaded.  Can you look me in the
> eyes and honestly tell me Saddam never had them?  Yea, the Kirds being
> gassed was a right wing *** <rolls eyes>...

> Has it been perfect?  I never said it was and any reasonable person knows
> this.  But to look at the entire situation in Iraq and the greater Middle
> East and say things arent better now than 2 years ago is plain and simple,
> irrational bordering on delusional.  We saw what 8 years of inactivity got
> us and this way works much better.

> Mitch

>>> > Yeah, that sure has worked out well for us...

>>> > -Larry

>>> > >I agree with the fact that oil flow has
>>> >> to be secure in the region, but, according to the Bush
>>> >> Administration,
>>> >> that was not America's reason for entering the war.

>>> Normally I don't top post, so I won't do it this time.

>>> But that's the whole point, see.  It didn't work out as planned, so far.

>>> Alanb

>> LOL.

>> Nothing that lying idiot has done in Iraq has worked out as planned.

>> Unless you found the WMD's? Two years late if you did, but it would still
>> be
>> a start.

>> --
>> David G Fisher


Why does Bush go on vacation during war?

by Woodie8 » Sat, 09 Apr 2005 20:09:21

> Well Plowboy, two things; one, I don't know what the hell you're talking
> about - kings? - I think you'll find most of the planet outside the US
> haven't had a king in a thousand years or more with any significant power -
> unlike your nation, where the Bush clan has been in power for 20 of the last
> 28 years ...

I agree with much of what you're saying, but the paragraph above is an
asinine comment and completely destroys your credibility.

Don McCorkle

alex martin

Why does Bush go on vacation during war?

by alex martin » Sat, 09 Apr 2005 22:25:42

Which part - the one about kings or the one about the Bushes ruling America
for 20 of the last 28 years - granted, maths has never been my forte so ...
Bush snr as vice pre 1981-1989 - then president 1989-1993 - Then George W as
president 2001-2009 (or the end of the world, or his third term when he
changes the constitution, whichever comes first). So it must be the king
thing that you take issue with, which I suppose is fair - but as I  said in
my reply, I had - and still have - no idea why someone would be babbling
about kings in 2005 ...

>> Well Plowboy, two things; one, I don't know what the hell you're talking
>> about - kings? - I think you'll find most of the planet outside the US
>> haven't had a king in a thousand years or more with any significant
>> power - unlike your nation, where the Bush clan has been in power for 20
>> of the last 28 years ...

> I agree with much of what you're saying, but the paragraph above is an
> asinine comment and completely destroys your credibility.

> Don McCorkle


Why does Bush go on vacation during war?

by JTS » Sun, 10 Apr 2005 01:37:41

"alex martini" <> wrote in message

> Ah shucks Bill, thanks for the privilege - you RED Americans, sheesh, not
> only do ya bring liberation world wide, not only are y'all the beacons of
> shining conservatively compassionate freedom bringing uber-people, but ya
> even give me the wonderful gift of free-rubbish-talking -

> Why, in that primitive place where I was so unfortunate to have been born,
> rubbish-talking was practically a birth-right! Oh yes, Bill, I have such
> vivid memories of public floggings for non-rubbish-talkers - boy, had it
> not been for freedom-giving compassionate men like yourself, mano-a-mano
> in the good fight for freedom and Good itself, why we'd all still be
> babbling rubbish to this very day, can you imagine? Yes, Bill,  had it not
> been for my sojourn as a wetback in america, I'd be talking so much
> rubbish and no-one would even tell me!

> I feel positively ashamed, Bill, to be sharing the same planet as a man of
> such learning, refinement and education as yourself - but Bill, - and I
> pray, don't stone me for my rubbish-talking here but ... don't you think
> it quite irrelevant whether the euroweenies buy your war-debts, or whether
> it is China and other Asian central banks that buy them?

> You see, Bill, one thing that you should consider, in all your glorious
> self-righteous perfection, is the scenario which is unfolding for the US
> economy as you sit there idly massaging your well-fed belly -

> The scenario which sees China getting a bit weary of buying your debt,
> Bill, because the dollar is deflating faster than the Hindenburg ... and
> how long, Bill, do you think, in all your glittering pomposity, before the
> Chinese start selling their US Bonds, Bill, with the net result, Bill,
> that the dollar bill, Bill, starts free-falling like a broker on Wall
> Street on a Thursday afternoon ...

> See, Bill, what happens then is that your interest rates rise faster than
> one of your conservative americans on an overdose of viagra (and don't
> forget to call your doctor if your erection lasts longer than a week),
> which means, Bill, that your 'theory' of US growth (at 3-4%), becomes
> about as likely as the Bush doctrine is of bringing democracy and freedom
> to the Middle East ... but of course, I am talking rubbish Bill, already
> you can see demcracy taking root eh! Oh yes indeed ...

> But tell me Bill, do you not think - along with all the other rubbish
> talkers - that with the dollar plunging like your Beloved Leader on one of
> his alcoholic binges (but, no, Bill, he choked on a pretzel because he was
> sober!), the US will have no choice but to raise interest rates into the
> teens?

> And when that happens, Bill, don't you think your Euro and Chinese enemies
> will begin to wonder how, exactly, you're going to buy back your war debt?

> And then, Bill, then ... oh but let's not startle our good red americans
> with such uncomfortable facts eh - why, one would statrt thinking about
> argentina ...

> See, Bill, others, unlike yourself (clearly well-versed in these matters),
> like irrelevant rubbish-talking institutions such as the IMF and World
> Bank, have already noted their alarm at the US foreign debt ... but they,
> like me, must be talking rubbish, Bill, and only you and dubya really know
> the 'truth' of irrelevant matters such as  - how do you intend to pay for
> the baby boomers' retirement, medical care, etc. ...

> Yes, Bill, only you, Dubya, and Fox-ites know the 'real' truth, the rest
> of us, sadly, are consigned to the rubbish heap of history ...

> Indeed, Bill, one would - were it not you saying it - think it quite
> astonishing that the fact that the US now owes more than 30% of its GDP in
> foreign debt is just a little fly on the belly of the beast that is the US
> economy.

> Yes, Bill, were it from any authority but you, one would almost think it
> lunacy that one can brush brush aside any concern that - were the US to
> sustain a growth of 3.2% - achievable only, Bill, ONLY, if the rest of the
> world's economies grew at a sustained 4% and that the dollar, Bill,
> remains at levels last seen in August 2004 - your financial deficit with
> the world, Bill, would be the insignificant sum of 50% of GDP ...

> Yes Bill, were it not for you, Fox and Dubya saying so, why there'd be
> panic on the (wall) street and people would be selling dollars faster than
> my lamborghini in GTR ...

> Yep, Bill, if anyone other than you had to make the claim that the US
> economy would continue to rise at 3.2% while the weakening dollar was
> smashing the economies of your major trading partners - well, I'd think it
> madness. But Bill, you are the authority, and I bow to your expertise in
> voodoo economics.

> After all Bill, only by reducing the dollar will there be any chance of
> getting this wonderfully irrelevant one trillion dollar debt under
> control - even Bush said so, and he knows his stuff Bill, am I right? -
> Which is why the dollar is deflating as we speak, and why it has dropped
> by an average of 17% against all its major trading partners ...

> But see, Bill, there's a little problem with this cunning ploy ... while a
> (projected) 23% some percent drop in the dollar over the next four years
> of your beloved leader's reign as king of the world will see the foreign
> debt reduce(reduce, Bill, not vanish, because of the rise in exports),
> there are other problems to a deflating dollar ... namely, Bill, that the
> economic chaos that this will cause to your major trading partners will
> eventually loop back to the US, you see Bill, because they will no longer
> be able to afford your exports ... and as for imports, Bill, well let's
> say your BMW (you do own a foreign car, don't you Bill?) will become
> rather expensive , which means more economic woe for that troublesome
> non-american swine called your trading partners - all of whom, Bill,
> retain US IOUs - and they might, Bill, even be reduced to selling them
> back to you - which means, Bill, another looping increase in interest
> rates, and a further deflation of the dollar, and a further weakening of
> the global economies that MUST, Bill, rise at 4% per annum in order for
> you, Bill, to pay your war-debt ...

> The dollar's drop, Bill, caused VW a 68% decline in revenue ...

> See, Bill, the deflation of the US dollar in order to pay for your
> blood-lust (commonly known as your foreign debt), results in a slow-down
> in Japan and European economies, Bill, which reduces the foreign capital
> that comes into the US, Bill, thereby wrecking your sustained growth,
> Bill, of the 3.2% neccessary to pay off the foreign debt Bill, which
> means, Bill, that your happy-clappy understanding of economics is ...
> well, let's call it exotic, shall we?

> See, Bill, with the baby boomers retiring, the constant price of war, the
> deflating dollar, the world's economy slowing down, the central banks
> divesting themselves of the US dollar as reserve cuurency ... well, Bob,
> were it not you saying so, I'd be thinking the US is up shit-creek, mate,
> and your paddle - the Chinese - may just be thinking this is a good time
> to annex Taiwan -

> There is a reason why that other foreigner, Bill, Soros, that traiterous
> foreigner, has been dumping dollars like an African baby with dysentry
> (yes, Bill, the US alone decided not to relieve Africa's foreign debt,
> Bill, because you care so much about the 'little' people of the world,
> don't you, my little compassionate conservative friend?).

> But Bill, what came above, all that rubbish, was the BEST case scenario -
> that's right, Bill - because we haven't even touched on the worst case
> scenario, have we - and believe it or not, it involves them "towel-heads"
> so beloved by the white house and the freedom givers itching to bring
> democracy or death (and hell they're the same thing as far as them
> foreigners are concerned, am I right Bill?) to an expectant world -

> See, Bill, a constant decline in the US dollars means a concomitant
> decline in foreign investors in the US, and really, Bill, who, besides
> you, would want to invest ten bucks and get five bucks back - certainly
> not rubbish talkers like myself old man; why, germany and japan having
> their stuttering economies ko'd by a strengthening euro and yen is
> positvely good news, isn't it, Bill, and that will teach em germans not to
> invade the world alongside dubya and his merry band of freedom giving
> acolytes ...

> But as usual there is a little problem Bill - see, what happens if the
> foreign investors in the US, Bill, decide to sell their US securities
> because they have become a little annoyed at losing money (negative
> interest rates which, Bill, in case you didn't get the brief, is what is
> happening now) and no longer believe the dollar is sustainable even at its
> current weak levels (lowest since 1992 Bill)? ...

> Yes, Bill, what happens is that the dollar will get the bitch-slapping of
> all bitch-slappings and before you can say argentina, you'll be loading up
> your pick-up with greenbacks (as opposed them pesky wetbacks, eh, Bill,
> for surely you must be one of them there minutemen, am I right?) to go to
> the grocery store for your six-pack ...

> But this, Bill, all of this is the good news, isn't it ... because what
> dubya and fox and you aren't telling your red-american brethren, foaming
> at the mouth at the prospect of more war (I mean liberation!) is the
> REALLY good news ...

> The imminent collapse, Bill, of the dollar as the reserve currency of
> choice ... and that, Bill, is the sole and only reason why the US economy
> can function, Bill, as you may well even know (but I must be talking
> rubbish, am I right Bill?) in total dysfuncionality


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Why does Bush go on vacation during war?

by JTS » Sun, 10 Apr 2005 01:40:58

Vice Presidents don't exactly rule, moron!

> Which part - the one about kings or the one about the Bushes ruling
> America for 20 of the last 28 years - granted, maths has never been my
> forte so ... Bush snr as vice pre 1981-1989 - then president 1989-1993 -
> Then George W as president 2001-2009 (or the end of the world, or his
> third term when he changes the constitution, whichever comes first). So it
> must be the king thing that you take issue with, which I suppose is fair -
> but as I  said in my reply, I had - and still have - no idea why someone
> would be babbling about kings in 2005 ...

>>> Well Plowboy, two things; one, I don't know what the hell you're talking
>>> about - kings? - I think you'll find most of the planet outside the US
>>> haven't had a king in a thousand years or more with any significant
>>> power - unlike your nation, where the Bush clan has been in power for 20
>>> of the last 28 years ...

>> I agree with much of what you're saying, but the paragraph above is an
>> asinine comment and completely destroys your credibility.

>> Don McCorkle

alex martin

Why does Bush go on vacation during war?

by alex martin » Sun, 10 Apr 2005 01:49:37

You're right, cretin - Cheney's definately the one without the power in the
White House. Yeah bubba, anything you say ... anything you say ...

> Vice Presidents don't exactly rule, moron!

>> Which part - the one about kings or the one about the Bushes ruling
>> America for 20 of the last 28 years - granted, maths has never been my
>> forte so ... Bush snr as vice pre 1981-1989 - then president 1989-1993 -
>> Then George W as president 2001-2009 (or the end of the world, or his
>> third term when he changes the constitution, whichever comes first). So
>> it must be the king thing that you take issue with, which I suppose is
>> fair - but as I  said in my reply, I had - and still have - no idea why
>> someone would be babbling about kings in 2005 ...

>>>> Well Plowboy, two things; one, I don't know what the hell you're
>>>> talking about - kings? - I think you'll find most of the planet outside
>>>> the US haven't had a king in a thousand years or more with any
>>>> significant power - unlike your nation, where the Bush clan has been in
>>>> power for 20 of the last 28 years ...

>>> I agree with much of what you're saying, but the paragraph above is an
>>> asinine comment and completely destroys your credibility.

>>> Don McCorkle

Alan Bernard

Why does Bush go on vacation during war?

by Alan Bernard » Sun, 10 Apr 2005 04:29:36

Learn something other than top-posting and then we'll listen to your spin
which you spin from the famous "liberal media" nonsense.

Do you speak for yourself or do you let others speak for you?


alex martin

Why does Bush go on vacation during war?

by alex martin » Sun, 10 Apr 2005 04:52:23

You mean do I blabber on with stock phrases taken like "liberal media" and,
when asked a question, revert to name-calling just like rush and savage?
Yup, guilty. You, that is - when you have something to say other than
"liberal media nonsense", lemme know; in the meantime, who exactly is "we"?
And have you (and the others than incorprate the "we" in your solitary post)
seeing someone about this?

>> Q: How many Bush Administration officials does it take
>> to***in a light bulb?

> Learn something other than top-posting and then we'll listen to your spin
> which you spin from the famous "liberal media" nonsense.

> Do you speak for yourself or do you let others speak for you?

> Alanb

Ronald Stoeh

Why does Bush go on vacation during war?

by Ronald Stoeh » Sun, 10 Apr 2005 05:48:21

>>Q: How many Bush Administration officials does it take
>>to***in a light bulb?

> Learn something other than top-posting and then we'll listen to your spin
> which you spin from the famous "liberal media" nonsense.

Watch Faux News much, ey?

Sometimes GW should take the second option... ;)


Alan Bernard

Why does Bush go on vacation during war?

by Alan Bernard » Mon, 11 Apr 2005 05:02:30

The last word on this-- what, may I ask, has the bush Administration done in
Congress in the last five years?  Too busy fooling with morality issue
(which can't be legislated) and this stupid war (which has only increased
recruitment for the terrorists), a republican controlled Congress has let
the rest of the country go bad.

Just you wait, said the republican, once we get control over both houses of
Congress, then you'll see the country start to head in the right direction,
economically and politically.

Let me know when this happens.

(And would you PLEASE quit being so lazy and stop top-posting.  If you're
responding to a prior post, why would you put the reply above to post to
which you respond?)

BTW, the "we" are those who see how disastrous this bush (and yes, I
lower-case the "b" on purpose) presidency has been.  Our great president has
gotten what he wants: when will the American people get what they want--  
jobs, a stable economy, and peace?


John Wallac

Why does Bush go on vacation during war?

by John Wallac » Mon, 11 Apr 2005 05:04:15

> You talk about Pompus, f*ck me what  did you call this shit you write?

Based upon the above spelling of "pompous", we cannot be sure of what
letter you intended to miss out of "f*ck".

Were you going for our Anglo-Saxon "***", the***ney "fack", the Irish
"feck", or the German "fick"?


Why does Bush go on vacation during war?

by Marty » Mon, 11 Apr 2005 03:27:26

> What happened to the war on terror? How come there have been no terror
> alerts after the election ?

You have to admit Bush was on the job when he rushed back from Texas to
D.C. to sign the Repug's loony bill to exploit the tragic situation
around the Terri Schiavo case.

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