>I didn't even have to look at the header of this fake post to know it
>is just another moronic attempt at impersonating Ed Martin. Please
>tell me everyone saw right through it.
>>Hi,Ed's gots some info on NASCAR2,it sucks.
>>It won't be out until Dec.1998 so get used to it!
>>Oh yeah,Darrell is right,you all treat me like a God,so why don't you worship me?
>>Hailing Frequencies Closed
>>Your Fearless God/Leader
>>Ed Martin
>>Producer NASCAR Racing
>>Director NASCAR Racing League
> ------------------
>Kyle Langston
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>http://www.traction.git.net/nrcentral/ - NASCAR Racing Central
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
I can back up what Kyle states, this is a FAKE post, just examine the header:
Newsgroup: rec.autos.simulators
Subject: NASCAR 2 Info
Date: 1 Oct 1996 07:21:48 -0700
Organization: Papyrus
Lines: 18
Notice the Message ID (lex.zippo.com) and the NNTP-Posting-Host:
I noticed that Spam#2 has used the same news server as I have (Zippo)
But thank God that my Host is SKN.NET or you'd be blaming an innocent man..=)
Well Ed, round 2 of the Spam sh*t... Are you going to let evil win or good win?
Your choice, please let us get past this and further examine on NASCAR Racing 2...
I apologize...
Darrell Young again? Could be.... Let me examine HIS header....
Further more, I've got Spammed by my roommate as you all remember, and I said how
to forge posts using Zippo.... I'm sorry, this person probably took advantage of
it... I take full responsibility for what happened and I'm sorry..=(
Please people, dont let people like this bring you down...
Mark Fields
* SIMSPEED - The Place For Racing Sims *
* http://www.git.net/simspeed/ *
* Simspeed ? - The SimSpeed Team *
* Coming in January *
* Mark Fields - "Drummer Extrodinaire" *