upgrade from my old Atari ST). Can anyone answer some questions for me
1. In NASCAR are you allowed to bump other cars or do they crash with
the slightest touch like in indycar racing?
2. Is it worth buying NASCAR now at bargain prices or waiting until
NASCAR 2 arrives. If the latter, does anyone know a release date yet
and what enhancements are there over version 1.
3. What sort of setup do I need to run SVGA? I am thinking of getting a
Pentium 133MHz, 16-24 megs ram, quad speed CD, and 2-4 megs of VRAM.
Being an utter PC novice, is this enough to satisfy todays games and
those for the next 18 months or so since I don't want to get a PC that
will be out of date next year.
4. Is the NASCAR track pack worth getting?
Any answers posted or e-mailed greatly appreciated.
Kevin Clark |Even the people who build helicopters
Institute of Molecular Medicine|put wheels, skis and floats on so you
Oxford,UK. |have a fighting chance when you go down