What are you 'save as'ing from? I renamed it by hitting F2 and it
worked fine. What program did you open it in and then 'save as' from?
Notepad? Notepad adds a txt extension to anything it saves unless you
surround the file name (including extension) in " marks.
This should be completely obvious unless (for some unknown reason) you
have elected to leave the default setting of hiding the extension for
registered file types. I know that's one of the first couple things I
change when I set up a Win9x installation, along with 'show all
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>>I just wanted to offer advice to people out there who have had trouble
>>the really great fullfield hack working in SCGT (who included me until
>>don't use "rename" when changing your PLR file-be sure to use "SAVE AS".
I was
>>just renaming the file and my new player was not being recognized at start
>>up-identical to other problems i've heard on this group. Renaming leaves
it as
>>a text file, "save as" converts it to the necessary plr file. The hack is
>>awesome-and its not that hard to get it going once you do it right.
>What are you 'save as'ing from? I renamed it by hitting F2 and it
>worked fine. What program did you open it in and then 'save as' from?
>Notepad? Notepad adds a txt extension to anything it saves unless you
>surround the file name (including extension) in " marks.
>This should be completely obvious unless (for some unknown reason) you
>have elected to leave the default setting of hiding the extension for
>registered file types. I know that's one of the first couple things I
>change when I set up a Win9x installation, along with 'show all
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