I have tried both wheels and I have to say the
Logitech Wingman Formula Force is much
better than the microsoft wheel.
The LWFF wheel feels less "notchy" in comparison to the MSFF, and
once you set it up right, it gives out far more different kinds of
feedback than the MSFF. (I have tried them only in GPL)
All the subtle effects are there, grip level etc etc, as well as the
heavy effects like hitting the barriers...
I have a pentium P2 233 and the Logitech knocks 0.5fps from
GPL at most.
The MSFF knocks off 10-15fps!!!!!!
This is because of the totally inefficient way that the MSFF is
programmed.. here are the figures from Alison Hines website.
MSFF 4,000,000 cpu cycles per FF instruction
LWFF 30,000 cpu cycles per FF instruction!!!!!!
That isn't a typo above, those are the correct figures.. the
MSFF uses over 100x more cpu power than the LWFF!!
And imho, the LWFF gives for better feedback when set up
correctly... the newest drivers have opened up 33% more power
from the LWFF due to a bug in older drivers too!!
>I've asked this question before and never got a straight answer.
>At about 5pm today, I'm going to spend about 100 ($160?) on a
>new FF wheel.
>No ifs or buts ... I want straight advice.
>The choice will be the Microsoft one or the Logitech one.
>(Forget the ACT one - its not in the shops around here and
>I'm not prepared to order over the Internet)
>Some supplementary points:
>I don't have a USB connection
>I'm concerned about Processor loading (I have a P2-350)
>I run CMR, RC2000 and (when bored) NFS 3
>Ok - I'm listening....
>Steven Dawkins
>Research Associate